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  • 1446 BCE

    The Exodus

    The Exodus
    This is when Moses led his people out of Egypt.
  • 1445 BCE

    Moses receives the Ten Commandments

    Moses receives the Ten Commandments
    The Ten Commandments are basic rules that were meant to shape the communities during Moses’s time.
  • 586 BCE

    The diaspora

    The diaspora
    The satteriang of the Jews after their captivity in Babylon.
  • 33

    Jesus’s Crucifixion

    Jesus’s Crucifixion
    This was the day the Jesus died.
  • 400

    The Old Testament of the Bible was finished

    The Old Testament of the Bible was finished
    The Old Testament is the first half of the Bible. It is mainly based off of the first 24 books of the Hebrew Bible.
  • 500

    The Talmud was finished

    The Talmud was finished
    The Talmud is a book that has tons of religions teachings in it. They are written by rabbis.
  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
    This is when Muhammad was born in the city of Mecca.
  • 610

    The religion of Islam officially begins

    The religion of Islam officially begins
    Muhammad receives the first revalations of the Koran.
  • 836

    The first minaret was built

    The first minaret was built
    A minaret is a place where Muslims can go to pray 5 times a day. They are all different and have various designs.