my dad smoked cigars for a long time. Befor I was born until just a couple years ago. He loved his cigars and that is something that I remember from my chidhood. I never thought they were bad for you but I never wanted to try one. I still do not smoke and I am proud of him though for quitting. -
My Birthday!
When I was born I entered a christian family and was the youngest of 4 other children. My two brothers are the oldest and my sister follows them with me coming in last. I loved every moment with my family and we have learned so much from each other. They inspired me to become a teacher, especially my mom, becuase she is so kind and sweet and helped me learn a lot through my life. -
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My Life
Born and Raised in Houston Texas
I feel very lucky to have been born and raised in Texas because I have such a close connection to the people there. I have family/friends that own a ranch and my family would go there multiple times a year. We would fish, sleep in tents, play and get dirty. It helped me grow into the person I am today because I love being outdoors and I have patience with things. -
My sister taught me a lot
My sister taught me my left from my right, how to ride a bike, how to say things correctly and even helped me memorize my phone number and address when I was a little girl. She was sometimes a mean sister but she was also wonderful and helped me be who I am today. -
My best friends
I had two best friends growing up. One was Zach, who I still visit and his mom and my mom were and still are best friends. The other is Lauren who is still one of my very closest friends. I Practically grew up with Lauren and Zach and they were always there for me when I needed them. I gained a lot of trust and support through their relationships. -
I discovered I had asthma and that changed how active I was. Once I entered sports I needed an inhaler because I have exercise induced asthma. I was influenced a lot by this becuase I was not able to push myself as hard as I wanted to sometimes. -
Moved to Arizona
I moved here when I was 12 years old and it was a very big change in my life becuase I was leaving friends and places I loved for a whole new life it seemed. -
Trying to find a new church
I grew up christian and went to the same church my whole life. When my family moved to Arizona we wanted to continueing going to church and looked for a new lutheren church to attend. We stayed at one place for a while but over all had not found the church for us. I grew up living a christian lifestyle and continue to do that today. Christianity influenced me to make the types of dicisions in my life that I have. -
Visit my Friends in Houston!
Sometimes I visit Houston twice a year! I only placed it in one time period becuase there would be to many to count. Visiting my old friends in Houston and still being able to "grow up" with them in a sense really helped me adapt to Arizona and still makes me feel a great connection. Not many people are able to stay close to the people they grew up with when they move. I am fortunate enough to those people there for me still. They have a lot do to with why I am the way I am. -
I played volleyball in Junior High and Highschool where I learned more about team work and self discipline. I went from playing on the freshman team to playing starting six on varsity becuase I worked hard to get that position. -
Graduated Highland High School
I graduated from Highland Highschool where I began to focus in on early education. I loved Highland because it was a great high school with great educators. I enjoyed my experiences at highland and knew what direction I wanted to go into after taking more elective classes. -
Skydiving was an amazing experience and shared with some of the people I love most; My sister and her husband. I learned from that adventure that is important to live your life and do the things that you want to do before it is to late to them. I connect this to how I am able to live in the moment and talk to people about my feelings if I believe it is important becuase you never know if you can say it again. I believe people should try to live their lives to the fullest in a happy, positive way -
I was admitted to Arizona State University this year and am pursuing my dream of becoming an early education teacher. I am currently enrolled in the teachers college.