
Religion Assignment Task 2 (2016)

  • 451

    The Council of Chalcedon (START)

    The Council of Chalcedon (START)
    Who ? Emporer Marcian, Pope Leo The Great, Government officials, senators, Anatolius (Arpx. 520 people attended)
    Achievements ? The council was able to confirm the single personality of Christ as both human and divine and was able to deny the teachings of both Heresys
    When ? It was held on the 8th November 451 AD
    Where ? Held at Chalcedon a city in Bithynia within the Asia Minor
    Why ? To assert the Orthodox Catholic doctrine against the heresy of Eutyches and the Monophysites
  • May 6, 1054

    East-West Schism

    East-West Schism
    Who ? The main people were: Patriarch Michael Cerularius and Pope Leo IX
    Achievements ? The achievement of this event was that there was a successful split between the East and West Churches.
    When ? It finally happened in 1054 when Pope Leo excommunicated the Patriarch and the Patriarchs excommunicated the Pope back.
    Where ? The schism was between the cities Constantinople and Rome
    Why ? Because there were disagreements on whether Constantinople would be the head of the Church or Rome.
  • Oct 3, 1346

    The Plague/The Black Death (START)

    The Plague/The Black Death (START)
    Who ? Most of Europe was infected by the Black Plague
    Achievements ? The black plague killed about 30-60% of the European population and spawned the idea of indulgences
    When ? The Black plague broke out in the 14th Century
    Where ? The areas affected was most of Europe
    How ? The Black Plague came from Mouse and the mouse traveled from Merchant ships and spread the disease throughout large cities, to escape the plague people fled to other places carrying the plague with them.
  • May 3, 1517

    The Reformation (START)

    The Reformation (START)
    Who ? The main people involved were: Martin Luther, Pope Alexander VI, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli
    Achievements ? The achievement was that the reformation was that it helped the people trust in the church again and the church become a much more pure and loving community
    When ? From 1517 to 1648
    Where ? The reformation spread through Europe, but except for Russia
    Why ? To purify the church and to enforce a belief that the Bible, not tradition, should be the sole source of spiritual authority
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther’s Publication of 95 Theses

    Martin Luther’s Publication of 95 Theses
    Who ? Martin Luther
    Achievements ? These Letters started the Protestant Reformation
    When ? 1517 on the 31st of October
    Where ? Wittenburg which was located in Germany
    Why ? The letters were publicated to show that the churches teachings were flawed.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    The Council of Trent (Start)

    The Council of Trent (Start)
    Who ? The main people involved were: Paul III, Julius III, Pius IV (About 255 people attended)
    Achievements ? The achievements from the council were: Catholic Unity Maintained, Church united (unlike Protestants), Most abuses corrected
    When ? From 1545 to 1563
    Where ? The council of Trent was held inTrento and Bologna located in Northern Italy
    Why ? To address abuses in the Church and to clarify Catholic teaching to meet the Protestant challenges.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Who ? The main people involved were: Charles V, Forces of the Schmalkaldic League
    Achievements ? The achievements were that the people and Royalty of Europe had more freedom towards Religion,
    When ? 25th September 1555
    Where ? Augsburg which is located in Germany
    Why ? To stop the sturggle between two fractions. (This stopped slaughters and wars between the two fractions).
  • The First Vatican Council (Start)

    The First Vatican Council (Start)
    Who ? The main people involved were: Pope Pius IX (744 people attended)
    When ? From 1869 to 1870
    Where ? The events took place in: St. Peter's Basilica
    Purpose ? The purpose was to deal with contemporary problems. Which were Rationalism, Liberalism, Materialism, inspiration of Scripture and Papal infallibillity
  • The Second Vatican Council (START)

    The Second Vatican Council (START)
    Who ? Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI (2,625 people attended)
    Achievements ? The Second Vatican council Established The Dogmatic constitution, Acknowledged other Christian denominations and non-Christian religions and recognised that they had spiritual validity.
    When ? From 1962 to 1965
    Where ? Saint Peter's Basilica
    Why ? Renewal self-understanding of the Church, relationships to other Christian traditions. Another reason was Aggiornamento of the Catholic Church