2000 BCE
Lived in Mesopotamia from around 2000-1500 BCE -
597 BCE
Babylonians entered Judah for the first time
Nebuchadnezzar deported the ruling class of Judah -
593 BCE
A priest who was forced to leave during the 1st deportation of Judah. He prophesied and followed the process of remembrance, repentance, and restoration. He lived from 593-573 BCE. -
587 BCE
Babylonians invaded Judah for the second time
Nebuchadnezzar deported thousands of more people to Babylon and razed the city -
582 BCE
Babylonians invaded Judah for the third time
Initiated by Nebuchadnezzar and outsiders moved in to Judah and occupied the Jewish land -
540 BCE
Persia becomes the dominant world power
They defeated the Babylonians. -
538 BCE
Edict of Cyrus
Those deported from Judah were returned to Jerusalem and began to rebuild their temple. -
332 BCE
Alexander the Great Conquest of the Middle East
He conquered the area of Judah and the Northern part of Israel. -
285 BCE
This was the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek. This allowed for the Hebrew Bible to become accessible to the Western world. -
175 BCE
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Ruler who alienated the Jewish community introducing a Zeus cult into the Temple in Jerusalem and created an edict that forced Jews to eat pork (otherwise they would be put to death). -
1 CE
Romans take over
Emergence of Jesus
It is believed that Jesus Christ was born in 2 CE and died somewhere between 30-33 CE. -
Period: 30 to 60
Jews expelled from Rome
Council of Jerusalem
Romans razed Jerusalem
Destroyed the 2nd temple -
Delineation between Jews and Christians
Jewish followers added a segment to a prayer that condemned those that followed Jesus as the Messiah. -
Period: 132 to 136
Barkokchba Revolt
Ultimately failed, but was able to establish a better relationship with Rome -
Period: 284 to 305
Horrible leader that tortured, expelled, and purged Christians and high officials who identified as Christians -
Eve of Milvian Bridge
This was a battle between Constantine and his brother. Constantine's vision of the cross occurs here -
Edict of Milan
Constantine issues this edict which formally ends Christian persecution and granted official tolerance to the Christian faith -
He was a popular preacher that argued that the son was subordinate to the father and that there was a time when the son was not -
Constantine officially becomes emperor
Council of Nicea
Constantine convened this council to settle the debate between Arius and Athansius. It was determined here that the son was not subordinate and that the son was co-eternal with the father. -
Creation of the Babylonian Talmud
Period: 570 to 633
Mohammad's Life
Was orphaned at a young age and his primary caregiver became his uncle. He grew up to become a business man and eventually married a wealth, older woman. -
Period: 600 to 630
Mecca was a rising commercial center
Trade routes connected here and the commercial class rose. (time frame is the early 600s) -
Mohammad traveled to Mt. Hira (Night of Power and Excellence)
This place was frequented by Mohammad often and this is where he heard the Angel Gabriel tell him to "recite" -
Mohammad began publicly preaching the Qur'an
Mohammad debated for 3 years after his experiences at Mt. Hira whether or not to preach was he was given by God. -
Death of Mohammad's Uncle and Wife
Increased persecution of Mohammad occurred after the death of the rest of his close family members -
Civil War between Tribes
Mohammad was called to Medina to help mediate and resolve the conflict. It was here that the Hijra originated and a constitution is formed that united the tribes and essentially ended the conflict. -
Conquering of Mecca
Mecca is conquered by Mohammad and the Ka'aba is reestablished and purified -
Period: 656 to 664
Ali served as the 4th caliph and was the first blood relative of Mohammad since his death. -
Pope appealed to Charlemange for help
The civil power came to the help of a religious power and helped with settling tribal uproars. Pope did not look towards Constantinople for help which angered the emperor of Constantinople. -
Dec 25, 800
The Crowning of Charlemange
A Pope placed a crown on Charlemagne's head after he finished praying and then he bowed down to him (showing his subservience). This action proclaimed Charlemagne emperor. -
Period: 900 to 1100
Continued tension between the Church and Civil Powers
Foundation of Cluny
Charter made it free from the subordination of bishops and Popes due to the corruption that was present -
Rendez-vous of Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV
Henry wrote a letter to Pope Gregory explaining that the bishops had renounced their obedience to the Pope in an act of rebellion. However, Henry regretted this and meet with Pope Gregory at a castle in Canossa where Pope Gregory granted Henry forgiveness. This marked the submission of civil powers to the religious authority. -
Concordat of Worms
Peace treaty to strike a balance between civic dealings and religious dealings.