Identify Future Ready Project Leader
Period: to
Exploration and Adoption
"At the end of the exploration stage, a decision is made to proceed with implementation of an evidence-based program in a given community or state based on formal and informal criteria developed by the community and by the evidence-based program" (Fixsen et al., 2005, p. 15) -
Future Ready: Stakeholder Listening Sessions
Evaluate current status of student learning such as test scores, parent and/or student scores, same school rankings, community perceptions. What aspirations do stakeholders have for technology in learning? What are the non-negotiables that could impede implementation if not accounted for? -
Leadership team to the digital learning readiness assessment
Designed to be completed by a cross-section of district leadership to gain a view into the current status of digital learning readiness Link text -
Ensure a Guiding Coalition
Ensure pertinent leaders and stakeholders are available to the provide guidance and leadership. Ensure there is a good mix of position power, expertise, leadership, and credibility. Link text -
Identify Current Resources and Needs
Utilize the future ready surveys to gain insight into our current status. Use to the time to set priorities, identify key leaders and timelines. -
Period: to
Program Installation
During this time consideration must be given to practitioner and his or her context and other influences as well simple complacency and feed of change. -
Develop a plan to build supporting Infrastructure
Establish Site and Teacher Leaders
Identify innovators and early adopters willing to try new practices and tools. Enusre some are leaders within their sites and among their peers -
Establish Ongoing Feedback Mechanisms
The ability to have open and free flowing feedback to decision makers is essential to successful change implementation "New staff members working under different conditions within uniquely configured community circumstances present implementation challenges. They also present opportunities to refine and expand both the treatment practices and programs and the implementation practices and programs. -
Celebrate Successes
The success of this implementation depends not only on practical execution, but also on the emotional support provided by recognizing success and generating excitement for the change -
Teacher Leaders Train Peers
Ensure professional learning plan is in place and teacher leaders have been able to pilot and provide feedback -
Period: to
Full Operation
Full implementation of an innovation can occur once the new learning becomes integrated into practitioner, organizational, and community practices, policies, and procedures (Fixsen et al. 2005, p. 16)