Reformation timeline

  • 1085

    When Simony started

    When Simony started
    This is when the positions of the church we being sold and bought. Often very wealthy families would be a big part of the church system because they bought their way in, for example the Medici family. They were big art patrons that produced at least four Popes.
  • 1200

    When Alchemy was started

    When Alchemy was started
    This is the process in which chemistry was used to try and change base materials into gold or find the universal elixir. This is also seen as magic or witchcraft.
  • 1300

    When they began selling Indulgences

    When they began selling Indulgences
    The Catholic church started selling pieces of paper saying if you bought this you could help get a family member that already passed out of Purgatory. But this is all a hoax and was for the money that the popes needed for their projects. These were later stopped after the Reformation after Martin Luther brought these to attention on how wrong this was of the church in his 95 Thesis.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Food During Renaissance

    During this time the peasants would eat soup or mash made up of grain and left over, also made from vegetables. they had very little meat in their diet and eat black bread. Merchants and Nobles ate high end food and dishes at huge feast, and when at a wedding usually there would be game bird such as Swan and Peacock. Their desert was often called Fruit coursev. People often ate their food with their hands and sipped their soup. Life During the Renaissance.pptx
  • Period: 1300 to

    Clothes Worn During the Renaissance

    During the Renaissance fashion was very important because it showed wealth and power. Wealthy had many outfits with bright colors and peasants would have only a couple outfits. Wealthy men wore tights and shirts sometimes coats that draped over, as well as a hat. Wealthy woman wore long dresses with big sleeves, with gold jewelry. The peasants often wore harsh material and dull colors such as browns,often not cleaned very often and wasn't very nice.
    Life During the Renaissance.pptx
  • Period: 1300 to

    Education During the Renaissance

    During the early Renaissance time school was reserved for middle class fellows but you would occasionally have a pour talented by that attended. The focuses during this time was reading, writing, and math but all of these things focus around the religion. As these young men got older they would either get a job almost like an internship with a merchant, or they would go on and keep studying at a university.
    Life During the Renaissance.pptx
  • 1434

    When Cosimo de Medici was born

    When Cosimo de Medici was born
    When Cosimo came to power in 1434, he was also a big support of art and humanities. During this time these two things were flourishing and the culture was starting show more. These two things happening would make Florence the starting point or center of the Renaissance.
  • 1439

    When the Printing Press was invented

    When the Printing Press was invented
    The printing press was first mention in a lawsuit. The lawsuit revealed plans of a printing press for Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press made it much easier to get word around and to make multiple copy's of something.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    When Leonardo da Vinci was born

    When Leonardo da Vinci was born
    Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest of his time, and said to be the Renaissance man. Leonardo was a painter, sculptor, architect, and engineer. Leonardo has some very famous and well know paintings that had a big part in the renaissance. He also had some well thought out engineering thoughts in his notebooks that had mechanical devices centuries a head of his time. This man was one very important part of the renaissance.
  • Mar 6, 1475

    When Michelangelo was born

    When Michelangelo was born
    Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter,architect, and poet. His sculptures were amazing and very famous, two of his famous ones are the Pieta for the Vatican and the statue of David for the city of Florence. Two major pieces of art work. Michelangelo was one of the men that were said to be a Renaissance man because of his sharp mind and amazing art skills. During this time his had a pretty big influence on the development of western art.
  • 1495

    When The Last Supper was painted

    When The Last Supper was painted
    This painting was one of the many great done by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting is one of the most influential and well known paintings. This painting shows Jesus in the center of the table and the Apostles gathered around him. This painting is capturing many different moments, such as Jesus is describing the upcoming betrayal that is to happen and all his Apostles react as they hear this.
  • 1500

    When Self- Portrait was created

    When Self- Portrait was created
    This painting was done by Albrecht Durer, and it was one of very man self portraits that were hung up. Before Durer's time it was rare that someone was to make a self portrait, but as he grew up he started drawing himself at the age of 13. He continued to do this and each time he changed things and made himself fancier looking with bright colors and such as he wears in the Self-Portrait. When the painting came out it was rare for Self-portraits, so this painting was a icon.
  • 1503

    When Pope Julius ll was the Pope

    When Pope Julius ll was the Pope
    Julius is known to be one of the best patrons in the papal line. Julius had a good relationship with Michelangelo and many other artist, he payed for Michelangelo's "Moses" and the paintings in the Sistine chapel. He was a very big art patron and help influence the art.
  • 1513

    When The Prince was written

    When The Prince was written
    This piece was made by Niccolo Machiavelli and was a very political piece. This was used by Machiavelli to show his political thoughts, and talked about person experience as a secretary in Florence. This book taught you how to gain power and create a state, as well as keep it maintained.
  • 1517

    When Martin Luther's 95 Theses were made

    When Martin Luther's 95 Theses were made
    Martin Luther went against the church and wrote up 95 theses that said all the things that he thought were wrong of the church. Then he posted them on the church doors so everyone would be able to see them. The theses saying that the Bible is the center of religion and people can only seek salvation by their faith. These 95 theses later became pretty much the created of the Protestant reformation.
  • Jan 3, 1521

    When Martin Luther's was Excommunicated

    When Martin Luther's was Excommunicated
    On January 3, 1521 is when Pope Leo X released the papal bull that would excommunicate Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther was excommunicated for going against the church when he brought out the corruption and selling of indulgences in the catholic church in his 95 theses.
  • 1522

    When Martin Luther Translated the Bible

    When Martin Luther Translated the Bible
    Before Luther translated the Bible only people of the church could read it because of it being in Latin which wasn't the common language. When he translated the Bible it now aloud the common folk to read and for everyone to be able to read it. This has changed the religion and aloud everyone to read it.
  • 1543

    When the Heliocentric Solar System was thought of

    When the Heliocentric Solar System was thought of
    This thought was brought to life by Nicolaus Copernicus. The thought was that Sun is the center of the solar system and that everything else revolved around them. The thought before that was the Earth was the center and the rest revolved around that.
  • When the Microscope was invented

    When the Microscope was invented
    There is a argument over who actually created it, Janssen or Lippershey? Well the Janssen model of the Microscope,it was compound and had at least two lens. This made it possible for you to see things father away.
  • When Romeo and Juliet was written

    When Romeo and Juliet was written
    This piece of literary work was done by William Shakespeare. This is a very well known work of art and has been changed to music, dance, and theater. The characters are Romeo and Juliet from apposing families that dont get along, and these two young adults go on a wild love adventure.
  • When the Flush Toilet was invented

    When the Flush Toilet was invented
    This was when the first description of a modern flush able toilet was deserved by John Harington. He was the god son of Queen Elizabeth. Although the toilet made things more sanitary in the house, the waste still just ran into the street.
  • When the Scientific Method was thought of

    When the Scientific Method was thought of
    Scientific Method is a procedure that makes doing scientific things easier. It is the process of Asking a question then doing background research. After you do that you test with experiments and see if the procedure is working. If it is you continue on and analyze your data and draw up some conclusions. Then you can come to a result from your testing. This was brought to life by Francis bacon but he was inspired and influence by Copernicus and Galileo.
  • When Girl with a Pearl Earring was painted

    When Girl with a Pearl Earring was painted
    This painting was done on a canvas with oil paints by Johannes Vermeer. This painting also being one of his most well know paintings out of the 36 that are known to be his in his lifetime. Vermeer often painting woman doing everyday things, another painting of his that is like this is "Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window." However the painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring" is undated historians believe it was created along with others that had Pearl design.
  • When Paradise was written

    When Paradise was written
    This literary work was done by John Milton, and is know as one of the greatest epic poems wrote in English. This poem is about how the devil convinced Adam and Eve, and their of the Garden of Eden. Later he came out with Paradise Regained and it talks about how Jesus dealt with the devils temptations.