
  • 1400

    Economics in Venice

    Economics in Venice
    Economic advances are always affecting the future. Venice created true banks and the concept of credit. This helped trade to prosper and grew lots of wealth. By the late 1400's many places had Venetian ambassadors.
  • 1400


    Literature began being written in the vernacular during the renaissance. This inspired people to read as it was in their language and not Latin. Some bibles stayed Latin while others changed to vernacular and this affected the church a lot because people were more interested in reading now that it was in their language.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press was a huge advancement that effected the reformation greatly. It allowed bibles to be printed in large amounts and to be widespread. It increased literacy and use of the bible a lot for the reformation. Johannes Gutenburg made the printing press and also the Gutenburg bible.
  • 1450

    secular society

    secular society
    Secularism became a big thing during the renaissance. It made people realize life was more than just hell on earth before heaven. Even popes started living with passion and using their wealth to buy luxurious clothes and decorate their churches. This directly affected the church and the reformation similarly to how humanism did.
  • 1480


    Humanism is a concept that had a huge affect on humanity and the way humans viewed themselves. It is the idea that humans can control their destiny and can take control of their life. It changed the view on humanity from cruel and weak to good and beautiful. This affected the church because people started straying from the rules of the church and from God's rules.
  • 1490


    Exploration was huge during the renaissance. Exploration to the Americas led to an exchange of many crops and wealth. Exploration to new land led to the spread of the new ideas. New ability to travel and new wealth helped denominations spread their ideas.
  • 1500

    Renaissance Popes

    Renaissance Popes
    The popes during the Renaissance took papal control in Italy. Some of them even went to battle. They lived like kings during this time. These popes restored Rome after its population had fallen so low. Rather than being spiritual leaders, they focused on power and restoring art and architecture.
  • 1500

    Renaissance art

    Renaissance art
    The art from the renaissance heavily affected the reformation. Catholic churches used a lot of beautiful art and architecture in their buildings to help appeal to the people. Art became a huge part of the church during the reformation.
  • 1517

    Challenging the Church

    Challenging the Church
    Many people began challenging the church. This was known as the protestant reformation. Martin Luther did not like the catholic church and began Lutheranism after writing his 95 Theses. This paved the way for more challenging and splitting of the church. Protestants believed less in the popes and their power and more on an individual's relationship with God.
  • 1560


    Churches started using Indulgences during the reformation. These allowed people to buy their way into not having to stay in purgatory very long. Some people did not like indulgences and the splitting of denominations began increasing.