Period: Oct 18, 1400 to
The Renaissance
Oct 19, 1420
The Papacy Moves Back to Rome (Religious)
Pope Martin V moved the Papacy back to Rome because of the invading Ottoman Empire. This shifted the power of the Church back to Europe and it was also where they would now get most of their funding for the war. This is when the indulgences started comeing to life and started to be sold. This would cause Martin Luther later on to write his 95 thesis and start the Reformation. -
Oct 18, 1439
Printing Press (Technology)
This technology was still not used as much at this time but later on it helps the Reformation spread quickly. When the New Testament was translated by Martain Luther during the Reformation it is able to be spread so quickly that nobody could stop it because of the printing press mass producing the Holy Book. This allowed the general public to determine and find out for themselves what the Bible was saying. -
Oct 19, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci (Social)
Leonardo da Vinci was a strong humanist and full of Renaissance ideas. He was a Renaissance man that influenced the social order. He was an enlightened thinker that believed each man had streangth to do something. This individualism is part of what started the ideas of the Protestants. -
Oct 19, 1453
Ottomans Capture Constantinople (Political / Religious)
After Rome fell the Byzintine claimed to be the new Rome. Constantinople was the capitol and a Religious figure for the Catholic religion. When it fell it shifted much of the Religious figures and their power back to Europe. This also brout the funding of the war to Europe and the selling of indulgences. That eventually sparked the Reformation. -
Oct 19, 1469
Ferdinand and Isabella (Religious / Political)
This marriage not only connected two people it connected two countries and made the Catholic faith much stronger. They felt like it was their right to spread Catholocism to the world and politicaly it made them more powerful. They enforced the Catholic religion by forming the Spainis Inquisition that would torture and wipe out any non-Catholic people, this is also used later against the Dutch Protestants too. -
Oct 19, 1492
Columbus Found America (Economic)
Columbus was sent out by Ferdinand and Isabella to find a new route to Asia for trade of goods. They wanted this because the Ottomans controlled all the trade from Asia. The were the country between Asia and Europe so they could jack up the price. Spain tried to avoid this by sending out explorers to find new routes. Instead they found the Americas. -
Oct 19, 1504
Statue of David (Social/Religious)
This set in the idea for some that God helped them personally. It expressed the huminism Ideas that led to the Reformation. David was a young sheaperd boy and he was able to defeat a giant with Gods help. God can help a single person individually, you don't need the Church or its indulgences. -
Oct 18, 1517
95 Theses (Religious)
Martin Luther had visited Rome and saw the corrupt Catholic church and began to question. He saw the selling of indulgences and the corruption of the leaders to make money. So he made his 95 theses of things that should be changed about the church and nailed it to the Door. Later the Pope excommunicated him and he ran into the Holy Roman Empire. This is what sparked the many different Protestant Religions. -
Period: Oct 18, 1517 to Oct 18, 1555
The Reformation
Oct 19, 1519
Crowning of Charles V (Political / Religious)
He tried to stop the spread of the new Protestant faith in the Holy Roman Empire but in trying he only made it worse. When he called onto the people to capture Luther some of the German Princes hid him so that he could translate the New Testament and spread Gods word. They did this not only because they believed what Luther was teaching but because then they would not have to be under the control of the Catholic church. The Protestant religion was individualized. -
Oct 19, 1521
Diet of Worms (Religious)
Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire wanted to capture Martin Luther to stop him from spreading his ideas. The Diet of Worms established this. Martin Luther then found saftey with German Princes and continued to translate the New Testament. -
Oct 19, 1521
Anabaptist (Religious)
A split from Luthers Ideas that had a lot of the same Principles but had more with baptism and the meaning of it. Spread into areas of France, Germany, and the Netherlands. -
Oct 19, 1522
First New Testament Translation (Religious)
This was made by Martin Luther and with the help of the printing press he was able to spread the New Testament to the Common Holy Roman citizens. This allowed for people to read it and dertermine for themselves what God was saying to them through the scripture. -
Oct 19, 1527
Sack of Rome (Religious / Social)
This was done by Charles V troops. This embarressed Charles V because they imprisoned the Pope and Charles V got all the blame. It changed the social order in that the individuals were in charge. Not the Pope or the Holy Roman King, but the people. It also brought out the streangth of the Protestant Religion. -
Oct 19, 1529
Baldassare Castiglione (Social / Intelecual)
In 1528 he published Book of the Courtier that described mans role in society. It reflected what a gentleman should be at a, and it set the new social order. -
Oct 19, 1534
Calvanism (Religious)
It was thought of by John Calvin. This is another branch from the Reformation that is simaler to Martin Luthers Ideas but has a different structure. There are some leaders such as the Deacons and the elders that make up the Consistry. This spread to many parts of Europe but it was dominant in the Netherlands. -
Oct 19, 1545
Counclil of Trent (Religious)
Oct 19, 1555
Peace of Augsburg (Religious)
This was the end of the Reformation because it officially ended the religious struggle between the German Protestant Princes and Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. This let the Princes of the Holy Roman Empire to select their religion, either Lutheranism or Catholicism. -
Oct 19, 1558
Spanish Inquisition (Religious)
After Ferdinand enherited land from the Holy Roman Empire he led crusades against the Dutch people. This was because they were Protestestant and Spain was Catholic. The Spanish felt it was their right to re-spread Catholicism. So they tortured and killed many Protestant Dutch to get their point across. -
Oct 19, 1558
Elizabeth I Coronation (Political / Religious)
This is signifagant because she set herself as the head of the church and the head of the government. It was also signifagant because she was a female and women were not seen as the head of the church or as political power. That was suposed to be the mans job. -
Oct 19, 1562
French Civil War (Political / Religious)
It was primarily fought by French Catholics and Protestants. The fighting was over a aristocratic power and who should be in charge the House of Bourbon or the House of Guise. The Edict of Nantes finished the fighting but there was still a lot of hatred. -
Oct 19, 1566
Dutch Revolt (Religious)
After years of the Spanish Inquasition and their brutil attacks againts the Protestants the Dutch decided to rovolt with William von Orange. With the help of the English, He led the Dutch to many victories over the Spanish and this eventually led to their independence. Later William was assasinated. -
Oct 19, 1572
St Bartholomew Day Massacre (Social / Religious)
It was a French uprising that was by the Roman Catholics for targated assasinations. It built into a large mob that targeted the the Huguenots and the French Calvanists. -
Bohemian Phase (Religion / Political)
When Ferdinand II inherited Bohemia the Bohemians did not like him because they were Protestant. When Spain talked to them about Catholocism and converting they threw them out the window. This started the Bohemian Revolts. This conflict became a religious war throughout Europe and formed into the Thrity Years War. -
Period: to
The Thirty Years War
Albrecht von Wallenstein (Technology / Political)
France and Sweeden get involved because they want to stop the Hasburgs from expanding and taking control to give the Spanish more power. This Brings Albrecht von Wallenstein into the fight. He along with Gustavos Adolpuus invade the Holy Roman Empire with gunpowder and new fighting tactics that make them very successful. -
Peace of Westphailia (Religious / Political)
This ended the Thirty Years War. It also officially gave the Netherlandst their independence, let the German Princes be Free from the Holy Roman Emperor, the Swedish gained a little bit of land, and Switzerland got its independance. It also set Calvanism to have the same rights as Lutherinism and let each country chose its religion.