Reformation image


  • 1182

    Saint Francis of Assisi

    Saint Francis of Assisi
    Saint Francis of Assisi was born in 1182. He shared many of the same concerns of the later Protestant Reformers, although his efforts and approach differed, as we shall see.Francis of Assisi changed the Catholic Church in a number of ways. St. Francis organized the first live nativity, created numerous new religious orders, was the first to preach about animals, and, in his honor, people bless animals on his Feast Day.
  • 1436

    Print press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg

    Print press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg
    Johannes Gutenberg was born between 1393-1406. Before print press was invented Priest had copy the Bible manually, which took aproximatelly a year. But with this new invention more than 500 Bibles could be copied in the same amount of time. This also meant that the Bible could be translated more easily. The invention of the prin press marks the start of the protestantism.
  • 1475

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo X was born in 1475. He excommunicated Luther in 1520. He also issued letters of undulgences. These pardons reduced the time a soul's time in purgatory.
  • 1476

    Pope Paul IV

    Pope Paul IV
    Pope Paul IV was born in 1476. Pope Paul IV drew up the index of forbidden (Protestant) books. He also reorganized the Inquisition (Holy Office).
  • Oct 31, 1483

    Martin Luther's theses

    Martin Luther's theses
    Martin Luther was born in 1483. Martin Luther was an Augustine order monk. He also was pa rofessor of theology. He was a openly against selling letters of indulgences. He taught that faith in God is the only way to salvation and is not buyable. He also said that that the Bible is the ultimate authority for a true Christian life. He preached that people have adirect relationship with God and they don't need a priest to mediate.
  • 1489

    Thomas Münzer

    Thomas Münzer
    Thomas Münzer was born in 1489. Thomas Münzer was a member of Anabaptism. Anabaptists rejected infant baptism. Anabaptism became popular amongst lower classes. Even Luther comdemned them, this resulted in the German Peasant's War (1524-1525).
  • 1491

    Ignatius of Loyola

    Ignatius of Loyola
    Ignatius of Loyola was born in 1491. He founded the Jesuit order in 1540, which was the society of Jesus. Jesuite missionaries were sent to the colonies. They were diplomatic representatives of the Catholic Church. They wanted to prevent Protestantism from further spreading.
  • 1509

    John Calvin's church reforme

    John Calvin's church reforme
    John Calvin was born in 1509. John Calvin established a new church called Calvinism. Clavin was a French reforming theologian, who settled in Geneva. Calvin believed in predestination, which ment that everyone is already destined to go to heaven or hell before they are born. He also belived in revolt and work as virtue. Calvinist Churches were much simpler than the Catholic churches. He also believed in Theocracy which is a kind of state form where the Church leaders controll the state.
  • 1511

    Michael Servetus

    Michael Servetus
    Michael Servetus was born in 1511. Michael was a Antitrinitarian. Servetus He was a burnt at stake in Geneva. He denied the existence of the Holy Trinity. Transilyvania becam the refuge of the Unitarians.
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Pope Paul III

    Pope Paul III called the Council of Trent together. The council agreed on several things. Firstly Selling indulgences was prohibited. They also verified the most important Catholic dogmas and supported the Pope. They stopped simony and nepotism. They also agreed that seminaries must be set up to teach priests properly.