European Wars of Religion

  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    It was a legal document for Lutheranism and Catholicism to be able to coexist. This allowed for people do diced what they wanted to follow. It ended conflict between the two religions.
  • Period: 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

    This was a conflict between Roman Catholics and Protestants. It took place in France. People want Protestants to be tolerated.
  • Aug 24, 1572

    Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    This took place during the French War of Religion. It was a massacre of the Huguenots. It revived the hatred between the Catholics and Huguenots.
  • Edict of Nantes

    It was a treaty in France that declared peace between the two sides. It allowed them to worship in public.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    It started because they tried to revoke the Treaty of Augsburg. It began as a war between Catholic and Protestant states. Later turned into a war to decide who controls Europe. It was one of the burtilst wars fought causing around 8 million deaths.
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    It ended the 30 Years War. It helped develop secularism. It made nations stronger creating more peace.