Reform, Reaction, and Revolution: The European States

  • Prior to 1800's

    Prior to 1800's
    The French Revolution was a major part of French history before Napoleon was in charge. The people of France no longer liked the monarchy and wanted to see change. After a long fight for change, they went back to a monarchy style with Napoleon as the leader.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna lasted from 1814-1815. This was following the Napoleonic Wars which left Europe to be in complete shambles. In this meeting, they hoped to establish old boundaries and peace that was in Europe before these wars. They set in to be in Vienna because it was a central location for all of Europe.
  • Change under Louis XVII

    Change under Louis XVII
    Louis XVII agreed that change was needed. He, however, did not want to stray too far from being a moderate. So, he accepted the Napoleonic code and gave equality under the law. He also established a bicameral legislature. He appeased neither side.
  • Liberating Chile

    Liberating Chile
    Jose de San Martin Liberated Chile in 1817.
  • Aiax-la-Chapple

    After the Napoleonic Wars, this German city was under the control of France. However, the control was lifted and it became part of the Quintuple Alliance. This included Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain.
  • Liberating Columbia

    Liberating Columbia
    In 1819 Simon Bolivar liberated Columbia
  • Troppau

    In 1820 in the city of Troppau there were outbreaks of revolution in Spain and Italy. However, the revolution in Spain was redirected against Ferdinand VII.
  • Liberation of Latin America

    Liberation of Latin America
    Simon Bolivar liberated Venezuela and Jose de San Martin liberated Peru.
  • Invading Naples

    Invading Naples
    As Ferdinand I was restored into power as King of Naples and Scilly. There were revolts that happened spanning all the way to Piedmont in Northern Italy. Austria, Russia, and Prussia gave Austria permission to invade Naples.
  • The Greeks Revolt

    The Greeks Revolt
    In 1821, the Greeks decided to revolt under the power of the Ottoman Empire. After being under the power of the Ottomans for years, they were still able to keep their language and religion.
  • Invading Spain

    Invading Spain
    Now, Austria, Prussia, and Russia gave France permission to invade Spain and help stop the revolts,
  • Independence

    Finally, the independence of Brazil was recognized by Portugal. Then, the Monroe Doctrine was introduced by President Monroe and it opposed colonization in the Americas by Europeans.
  • Ottomans are defeated

    Ottomans are defeated
    The Ottoman Armada is defeated by the British navy.
  • Russian Invaders

    Russian Invaders
    Russia invaded Moldavia and Wallachia which was controlled by the Ottomans.
  • Treaty of Adrianople

    Treaty of Adrianople
    The Treaty of Adrianople was between the Ottomans and Russia. It allowed Russia, Britain, and France to decide the fate of Greece.
  • Treaty of Adrianople

    Treaty of Adrianople
    The Treaty of Adrianople ended the Russian-Turkish Wars. It gave Russia a protectorate over two provinces. It also gave Russia, France, and Britain control over the fate of Greece.
  • Greece and it's independence

    Greece and it's independence
    After many years of revolts, Greece finally gained its independence.