Institutionalization of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
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Stigmatization of Intellectual Disability
In the 1800s People with Intellectual Disability were stigmatized and seen as idiotic and feeble-minded. -
Sterilization of Individuals with Intellectual Disability
Courts passed laws authorizing the involuntary sterilization of people with intellectual disabilities. -
The first mental home was created.
The Massachusetts School For Idiotic Children was founded. -
States Refusing to Educate Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Despite the Compulsory Education Laws, states refused to educate children with intellectual disabilities. -
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Compulsory Education Laws
Congress passed a law that all school-age children between 6 and 18 must attend school. -
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Denial of education to children with intellectual disability
In spite of the compulsory education laws, children with intellectual disability were denied education. -
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The Great Depression, Industrial Revolution & The Civil War
Characterized by massive immigration, cheap labor, and class system which further marginalized people with intellectual disability. -
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Rise of Parent Advocacy Groups
Parents began to fight against the segregation and institutionalization of their children. -
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Landmark Cases Make a Change
Brown v Board of Education and PARC v Mills act as catalysts for a change in segregation of children with intellectual disability. -
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Federal Government Steps In
The passage of several laws such as The Education of All Handicapped Children Act, IDEA, and NCLB