Understanding interaction models: Improving empirical analyses
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(Brambor, Clark, & Golder, 2006) -
A tale of two cultures: Contrasting quantitative and qualitative research
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Qualitative research: Recent developments in case study methods
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Space is more tan geography: Using spatial econometrics in the study of political economy
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What is ethnic identy and does it matter
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(Chandra, 2006) -
Democracy and environmental degradation
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The growth and development of experimental research in political science
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(Druckman, Green, Kuklinski, & Lupia, 2006) -
Connecting the dots in public management: Political enviroment, organizational goal ambiguity, and the public manager´s role ambiguity
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The logic of survey experiment reexamined
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(Gaines, Kuklinski, & Quirk, 2007) -
Modes of governance: towards a conceptual clarification
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The logic of survey experiment reexamined
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Spatial econometrics models of cross-sectional interdependence in political science panel and time-series-cross-section data
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Political sequences and the stabilization of interparty competition-Electoral volatility in old and new democracies
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Deference to scientific authority among a low information public: Understanding US Opinion on agricultural biotechnology
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Comparing incomparable survey responses: Evaluating and selecting anchoring vignettes
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Learning about democracy in Africa: Awareness, performance, and experience
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Deliberative democratic theory and empirical political science
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The effect of political regime on civil war- Unpacking anocracy
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Researching Interest Group Politics in Europe and Elsewhere: Much We Study, Little We Know?
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New Philanthropy, New Networks and New Governance in Education
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Attributing blame: The public’s response to Hurricane Katrina
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Beyond the public and private divide: remapping transnational climate governance in the 21st century
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The cultural politics of climate change discurse in UK tabloids
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Emotion and the framing of risky choice
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Expert- Based Information and Policy Subsystems: A Review Synthesis
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A “Selection Model” of Political Representation
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Ideas, institutions, and policy change
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Neoliberalism: From New Liberal Philosophy to Anti- Liberal Slogan
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What to Do about Missing Values in Time-Series Cross-Section Data
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Winner-Take-All Politics: Public Policy, Political Organization, and the Precipitous Rise of Top Incomes in the United States
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Are Survey Experiments Externally Valid?
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(Barabas & Jerit, 2010)