1869-Rupert's Land purchased by Canada
-Purchased territory from hudsons bay company for 1.5 million dollars
-Trading with the US growed steadily
-American Newcomers were coming -
1869-Armed Metis stop surveyors
-Canada sends surveyors to Ruperts Land
-First Nations confronted them to try and stop the suveyors
-Louis Riel Comes and sends them away -
March,4,1870-Thomas Scott is killed
-He got to Riel and threatened him and his Metis
-He went to trial for for threat and was pledged guilty
-Got placed in front of firing squads -
July,15,1870- Creation of the Manitoba of the Acts
- This act created Canada's fifth Province
1884-A group of Metis travel to the states to bring riel back to Canada
-12 Metis were inprsisoned
-Riel betrayed one country and the jury stated guilty and riel -
March,26,1885-The Metis defeat police at Duck Lake
-Metis Confront and defeated a group of northwest Mountain Police
-Cree joined resistants -
June 1885- Metis and Cree people Surrender
- Federal Government sends thousands of soldiers to the newly built railway -Metis and Cree surrender after the war was over.