First man to describe Red Pandas
French zoologist Frederic Cuvier first described the red panda in 1825. The Habitat is rainy, high altitude forest habitat, mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar as well as central china.
https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/red-panda -
Population 14,750
All Populations source: https://www.projectarkfoundation.com/animal/red_panda -
Population 12,750
Red Pandas becoming Endangered
People are clearing forests for farming and grazing. They are hunted for their fur and they often get caught in snares set for wild pigs, deer and taking. https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/red-panda -
Population 11,750
Population 10,000
Recovery Efforts
By using the space in the cities other than destroying their habitat. Then enforcing and increase hunting and poaching laws associated with Red Pandas https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/r/red-panda/