
  • 200

    Reconciliation first emerged

    the sacrament of penance as reconciliation first emerged.
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    Early Church

    Christians in the early communities of the Church obtained forgiveness for those sins by practising deeds of penance: prayer, tears and prostrations, fasting.
    Confession of sinfulness was pronounced always in the beginning of the liturgies, especially the Eucharist, but it related to lighter sins.
    The head of the local church, i.e. bishop, prescribed penance. Lesser sins could be forgiven through prayer, fasting, works ofmercy, and the Eucharistic celebration.
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    Third Century

    In this century, the sacrament of penance as reconciliation first emerged. It involved the whole community Penitents: Confessed their sins to the whole community.Were temporarily ex-communicated from the community worship for the length of their penance. Ate plain food and wore “squalid” clothes. Participated in almsgiving and contrite prayer. Asked members of the community for prayer especially widows and presbyters since they were seen as dedicated to God.
  • 325

    Council of Nicaea

    Council of Nicaea
    The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) put the forgiveness of grave sins under the authority of the bishops and the priest in charge of lesser sins.After committing grave sins, a member of the church was denied access to the Eucharistic table until he or she would do penance proportionate to the fault.
  • 500

    The start of private confessions

    The start of private confessions
    Irish and Anglo-Saxon monks spreaded themonastic practice of penance through their missionary work. The monastic involved Private confession to a father. Private prayer of pardon or blessing after the penance was completed.
  • Aug 16, 650

    Council of Chalons-sur-Saône

    The council approved the celtic practive of reconciliation and tried to control it.
  • Aug 16, 1215

    Fourth Lateran Council

    In the lateran council they said that all people at age should confess their sin to a preist in private for a year. Sanctions were imposed for breaking the seal of confession. A priest who revealed a sin was removed from his priestly job. Repeated absolution of sins was officially accepted.
  • Dec 1, 1551

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council created the seven step sacramental system, and declared penance to be the forgiveness of sins.
  • Death of Jesus

    Jesus is crucified by the Romans and James becomes the leader of the Christians
  • Whats on Tele

    Television comes to Australia
  • Lumen Gentium - Vatican II

    Lumen Gentium - Vatican II

    The connection of the internet would come to change religion. People become more preoccupied with their lives than religion. Societies become more secularised.
  • Fifth Century

    Fifth Century
    During the Augustine period there were 3 types of reconciliation1. The remission of all previous sin through baptism. 2. The daily remission through prayer and fasting of “light and small sins.” 3. The formal one-time remission of deadly and serious sin through public penance.
  • Third Council of Toledo

    This council tried to maintain the old system of reconciliation and remain with once-only reconciliation.