College of Education Fall 2010 Retreat
As we gather for the beginning of a new school year, we are encouraged to think about time differently. We are provided with Margaret Wheatley's book, TURNING TO ONE ANOTHER, as a reminder that while the discourse around teaching has been contentious over the past year, we aren't powerless to change the conversation. We can make time to talk with one another because the answers lie within us. -
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A Unit Approach: Turning to One Another
This is the story of our thinking about curriculum changes in the College of Education. -
A-Team Retreat
Coming out of the fall 2010 A-team retreat is an overarching sense that our college could truly begin to move toward a UNIT approach. The sense that program area lines could and should be blurred in order to create an OMNI feel in structures beyond faculty meetings is a driving transformational force. -
Margaret Wheatley to speak at Teach Butler: Reclaiming Time to Think
Conversations among the TEACH Butler planning committee members and the inspired"what if" thinking of Professor Susan Adams lead to Margaret (Meg) Wheatley accepting the invitation to give the keynote address during our gathering in July. -
College of Education January Retreat
In January of 2011, we begin the process of re-viewing, re-visiting, and re-envisioning our college's past, present and future. We review our Vision statement, our Core Values and our Image of a Butler College of Education graduate. -
Spring 2011 Semester
Throughout the semester, faculty work in NCATE committees gathering data and investigating our current conceptual framework, curriculum maps, and knowledge base. Program areas continue to work on SPA reporting as well. -
Reclaiming time to Think
Dr. Deb Lecklider secures curriculum development grant for the purpose of holding Foundations and Middle-Secondary Program Areas curriculum retreats. Drs. Kelli Esteves and Shelly Furuness request permission to pull the grants together and extend the curriculum development retreat to the whole college to coincide with the theme and timing of TEACH Butler. -
Reclaiming Time to Think Retreat
Drs. Esteves and Furuness facilitate a two day coversation about reshaping program configuration, restructuring foundations course delivery, and embedding teacher research/inquiry across the curriculum. Every member of the college is invited to the two day event. In attendance:
Ena Shelley, Deb Lecklider, Debbie Corpus, Karen Farrell, Katie Brooks, Susan Adams, Shelly Furuness, Kelli Esteves, Mindy Welch, Arthur Hochman, Kenton Smith, Steve Bloom and Brandie Oliver. -
Conceptual Models Drafted
Drs. Esteves and Furuness take the notes and action items from the two-day retreat and craft a set of potential conceptual curriculum maps to reflect the conversations. -
College of Education Fall 2011 Retreat
This year, our theme centered on finding balance. While we have been pretty successful at reclaiming time to think, our new challenge is to find ways to balance pressures and possibilities. -
Dean's Student Advisory Council
Kelli and Shelly attend Dean's Student Advisory Council to share our collective work and seek student input. -
Time to Think, Again
Kelli and Shelly host a second conversation to discuss two models: Model #1 was referred to as "Tweek It" and Model #2 was known as "Blow It Up" . Upon further conversation, Kelli and Shelly are asked to make further progress on the "Blow It Up" model.
Ena Shelley, Deb Lecklider, Arthur Hochman, Karen Farrell, Angela Lupton, Sue Stahl, Brooke Kandel, Ryan Flessner, Cathy Hargrove, Lindsay Williams, Theresa Meyer, Susan Adams, Mindy Welch, Kelli Esteves, Shelly Furuness, and Kenton Smith -
Sharing the Progress with OMNI
Kelli and Shelly share the progress via powerpoint. Approximately 20 different people have helped shape the conversation so far. -
More Time to Think
Kelli and Shelly will host a third conversation. In this conversation, we hope to present a conceptual model and more developed curriculum map. We are hoping for full participation from facutly, staff and students in helping to shape the next draft. -
Unit SLO Plan
By the end of January, we had hoped a framework for a Unit-wide SLO template--one that looks at the benchmarks and transition points for our students as SLO measures would be complete. This framework was meant to help us tell the story of how our College's vision fits into the vision of our are larger University. This would also eliminate repetitious reporting and would streamline data collection. Progress was made, but the goal of a template was not fully realized. Still in progress. -
SPA Report Responses
SPA Response to Report for 8 areas were returned to us in the Spring. The remaining SPA reports were resubmitted in March. This is relevant to the Time to Think project because it helps us further develop benchmarks and data collection systems. -
Lunch Conversation
A lunch conversation was held. At this lunch, we tried to establish tasks for working groups. It was determined that a summer retreat would be needed. -
Time II Think
A second 3-day retreat was held with a focus on taking action of our many conversations. Over the three days, we had some new and some returning colleagues to the conversation. Ena Shelley, Deb Lecklider, Karen Farrell, Matt Maurer, Mindy Welch, Kenton Smith, Rob Hartman, Cathy Hargrove, Susan Adams, Angela Lupton, Steve Bloom, Kelli Esteves and Shelly Furuness attended part or all of the retreat. The final day focused on ways to transparently share outcomes and directions of the conversation. -
TEACH Butler
A very ABT event! Kathy Cramer's work helped us continue to see the possibilities for moving the curriculum work forward. -
Final SPA submission for National Recognition
This submission will coincide with our NCATE visit at both the College and University levels. -
COE Fall Retreat: Theme is CHANGE!
Shakespeare says, "The past is prologue" and Churchill says, "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often" and the SEC commissioner says, "Our focus on the future will echo that sentiment". Thanks, Mindy! -
First UNIT-wide SLO report could be submitted as a pilot framework. -
Time to Celebrate -
Pilot Integrated Block
Kelli and Shelly launched the Integrated Core II Block with 25 students in the spring semester. -
Omni Presentation
At the April Omni, Kelli and Shelly presented a video and infographic to the Omni group describing the successes of the semester. A group of 5 young women from the course also attended and lead table discussion to answer questions about their experience in the block. Participants included (Annisa Hakem, Elizabeth Gormley, Maggie Jo Bergamini, Olivia Behiel, Carly Allen) -
AACTE Conference Proposal
Kelli and Shelly submit conference proposal for the AACTE event scheduled for March 2014. The session is called Flipping the College Classroom and Building Community -
Pilot the Plan
edTPA Introduced
Becky Cramer joins the faculty and brings with her tremendous experience in the edTPA assessment that was piloted at IU and is on the horizon connected to accreditation. -
Integrated Core II Block Continues
The integrated core II block pilot continues with a new pair of co-teachers trying different co-teaching model than Kelli and Shelly. Becky Cramer and Theresa Knipstein-Meyer collaborate to offer the block to another full class. This semester has one block and a set of stand-alone sections. -
Presenting and Sharing the work
Kelli and Shelly presented "Flipping the Classroom" to a full room at AACTE in Indianapolis and at the Faculty Innovation event at Butler. -
Time to Think III Invitations
After a year of pilot with 4 blocks of Integrated Core II courses, it is time to move to action on Core I initiatives. An all-call invitation for a summer retreat was sent to all CoE faculty -
SPA Standards Revision and Realignment
NCTE, NSTA, ACTFL, NCTM released revised standards. In order to collect sufficient data cycles for SPA reports in 2016, all standards within the program must be realigned and assessments must be revised. The realignment work took place throughout the summer of 2014 and implementation of new assessments going into effect in the 2014-2015 academic year. MS assessment revision includes the inclusion of edTPA tasks aligned to SPA Standards. Creates common architecture for program data collection. -
Compilation of Research on Core I
Michelle Trainor (MS student, Info Commons Student Work, TA in ED 245 Fall 2013, 1st student to complete Information Literacy Minor) completed an undergraduate thesis project on Technology Integration and conducted an audit with recommendations ahead of the Time To Think III event. -
Time to Think III
Two-day retreat convened by Drs. Hochman and Furuness. The research and work completed by Shelly and Michelle was shared at the retreat. The retreat was also attended by Debbie Corpus, Ena Shelley, Deb Lecklider, Karen Farrell, Kelli Esteves, Susan Adams, and Janice Gustaferro. -
Follow up Meeting regarding Online PLC
Janice Gustaferro, Lena Darney, Michelle Trainor and Shelly Furuness held a follow up meeting regarding how Information Literacy could be supported in the Online PLC. Janice convened the meeting and will continue to be our bridge between the library and the COE. -
Core I Block Pilot Syllabus
Following the retreat, Shelly took the notes and recommendations and compiled them into 2 separate syllabi--one for the face-to-face course and one for the online PLC that was conceptualized. At the end of the retreat, Susan Adams was asked to be a test pilot. We were conceptualizing a rotation where faculty taught 2 semesters back to back so as to have an experienced mentor for new-to-the-course-instructors. Arthur was going to pilot an additional block in the 2nd iteration. -
Share Executive Summary Updates at OMNI
This time toast timeline and a one-page summary describing the work from 2011-2014 was shared. -
Ongoing Conversation to Build Pilot course
Once the 2014-2015 academic year launches, Susan Adams will be our point person for anyone wishing to contribute to the building of the pilot course. Susan used the syllabus developed in the retreat as a starting point, but crafted the course herself over the fall semester of 2014. -
Pilot Core I Experience
Susan Adams will pilot one section of the Core I Experience in the spring semester of 2015. -
edTPA Pilot in MS Program
The class of 2015 all completed edTPA tasks #1, #2, #3 during the spring semester of student teaching. MS program collected responses from students regarding the process and revised the instructional supports in the 2015-2016 academic year. -
Core I Pilot Expanded to multiple blocks
After testing a Core I block with Dr. Adams in the Spring 2015, Fall 2015 brought on additional sections piloting the block configurations. Next steps are to formalize a proposal during the spring of 2016 for review in the fall 2016 semester. -
Integrated Core II Course Officially Proposed
ED 299 is approved by COE curriculum committee and posted in UCC. Fall 2016 ED 299: Integrated Core II Block will be offered for the first time. -
Education Minor Proposed
Based on the curriculum work done in Core I and II, a new Minor in Education was proposed and made open to any Butler Student. -
Education Minor Passes
All foundational courses are required in COE CORE I and II along with ED398 or ED404 and 348, but candidates seeking the minor are encouraged to complete stand-alone sections. -
edTPA Pilot for Elementary and Secondary Candidates
During the 2015-2016, candidates across all content areas- Elementary, HMHSE, MS Secondary-were represented in an edTPA pilot resulting in representative candidates having their portfolio scored nationally by Pearson.