Photo by Svgalbertian.
The Colorado Amendment 64 which by popular initiative ballot decided that Colorado's Constitution would outline a statewide drug policy for cannibis. This amendement addresses the use of personal use of marijuana, treating it similarly as alcohol. It allows you if you are 21 or older to be able to use small amounts of marijuana. It can be gifted if it is an ounce or less and you can grow up to six plants to each home. It began commerically being sold on Jan. 1, 2014. -
Photo by WA Secretary of Sate.
Washington Initiative 502 was decided by popular vote at the November 2012 elections. Approximately 56 percent voted yes. It was originally submitted to the Washington Secretary of State in summer 2011 where enough signatures were collected and then it was sent to legislature. It got voted legal for recreational use for small amounts and medical purposes. Large amounts of the drug are still illegal. It began being sold commercially July 8, 2014. -
Photo by Tony Webster.
Alaska became the third state to leaglize recreational use of marijuana. Adults, ages 21 and over are allowed to grow and consume the drug. They are only allowed to gift and consume an ounce of the drug anything more is still considered illegal. This law was decided on Feb. 24, 2015 with a 53.2 percent popular vote. -
Washington D.C.
Photo by Mike Licht, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/.
Washington D.C. became the fifth state to legalize marijuana with a 64.9 percent popular vote. Initiative 71 allows adults 21 and older to possess two ounces or less of marijuana, gift one ounce or less with other people as long as no money is traded, grow up to six plants a residentinal home and use marijuana only on private properties. The District of Columbia is forbidding selling or taxing the drug. -
Photo by the United States Fish and Wildlife service.
Oregon was the fourth state to legalize marijuana with 56.1 percent popular vote. This law allows for adults 21 and over to possess up to eight ounces of usable marijuana in your home and one ounce outside your home. You are allowed to grow up to four plants to each residential home. Public use of the drug is still illegal, and so is taking it in or out of the state.