Period: to
John Locke
Social contract between King and people (Parliament)
Charles II-> James II (Catholic)-> 1 rule "don't be a catholic"
Bloodless revolution -
Royal Society
"Nullius in verba" -> Take nobody's word for it
Scientific method
Testing to prove the truth
FR (arts) vs BR (sciences) -
Period: to
Scientific Revolution
Academy: Hooke: Micrographia
Robert Hooke
What you see with a microscope
Sophistication of the smallest things -
Sir Isaac Newton's Gravity
"Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night: God said: "Let Newton be". and all was light -
The Bloodless Revolution
James' II daughter marries William of Orange
James, a catholic, fled t France once the protestant Orange invaded
William and Mary rule -
Bill of Rights
Constitutional Monarchy
Slander-> Parliamentary privilege -
Scotland is one of us
After Scots defeat in Panama (Darien adventure)
Double Parliament
Separate legal and education systems -
Period: to
1st Industrial Revolution
Division of Labour-> Adam Smith
Mills-> maximize production
1710: Newcomen's engine
1775: Watt's Engine (better) -
Period: to
George of Hanover
End of the Stuarts:
Parliament choses new King: George of Hanover, who loves Hanover very much
Robert Walpole-> 1st prime minister-> meetings in latin -
Voltaire and the "Anglomanie"
Voltaire arrives in London: Letters on England-> bridge between countries (after centuries of war) "Why should the French not be free too?" -
Boston Tea Party
"No taxation without representation"
America doesn't need protection now