Reading History

  • Kindergarten

    I remember sitting on the floor reading picture books and imagining myself in the story.
  • Montgomery Ward Catalog

    Montgomery Ward Catalog
    When I would visit my grandmother at her house, the first thing I pulled out was her Montgomery Ward catalog. I'd sit there and look through the pages pointing out all the things I'd buy if I could. I remember being frustrated because I couldn't read the words, so this is what sparked my interest to learn how to read.
  • Grandmother

    I was lucky to go to school with my grandmother when I was in third, fourth, and fifth grade. She taught in the resource room and had to be to school early. Being at school an hour early, was a long time for an eight year old. I would sit and read her books until the bell rang and I could go out and play.
  • Fourth Grade

    Fourth Grade
    I was in fourth grade when I started reading the book Where the Red Fern Grows. This was my first chapter book, and I loved it. I couldn't stop reading and would continue reading past the chapters we read in class. I would beg my grandmother if I could take it home everyday since she also had a copy in her classroom.
  • Jaycee State Fair

    Jaycee State Fair
    When I was in third or fourth grade, I loved reading about animals, insects, and anything really that moved. There was a bug contest at my school. I had to present different species and types of insects and spiders and pin them into a box to be on display. Whoever got the most, or was creative, won. I won out of my school and was chosen to go to the Jaycee State Fair and present my box of bugs. To say I was ecstatic is an understatement.
  • Mrs. Riner

    Mrs. Riner
    I absolutely loved my fifth grade teacher. She was from back east and had a heavy accent and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. She loved to read. She would always read us a chapter after we could come back from lunch. Select students would sit on her couch and the rest of us would sit at her feet as she'd read to us. This was probably my favorite part of the day. I'd relax and picture myself in the story and my imagination would take me away.
  • Summer Reading Program

    Summer Reading Program
    During my sixth grade summer I was really bored and my mom made me complete the public libraires summer reading program. At first I was not excited, but after checking out a few books and finishing them I was hooked. I had to read books on a list by the end of summer and you were given a Carl's Jr coupon for a free meal. I remember waking up reading, eating my lunch then reading, and staying up late still reading.
  • Journalism Class

    Journalism Class
    In seventh grade I took a journalism class and this made me see the world of reading beyond chapter books. We put together a monthly newsletter for the school. We each had our own subjects to research and write about for the newsletter.
  • Yearbook Committee

    Yearbook Committee
    My ninth grade year I joined the yearbook committee and we had to document school events the whole year. I loved looking over my peers work and we were to proofread for mistakes before publishing.
  • Advanced English Class

    Advanced English Class
    In my sophomore year I was placed in an advanced English class. I wasn't always the best student academically, but I loved reading. Math, science, and history I was barely passing with a C. My teacher gave us a lot of book reports to do and had to present them. This continued my love for reading chapter books. I would look forward to this class period the whole year.