Reading History

  • Learning English

    Learning English
    Moving to the States and having to learn a new language around the same time I was learning to read, made reading a bit overwhelming.
  • Biscuit

    A few years later in school, my 2nd grade teacher partnered us up with 5th graders for reading groups. My partner would read me some of her chapter book and I always chose to read a Biscuit book to her. They were easy to read and I loved them.
  • Proficiency Exams

    Proficiency Exams
    Every so often, we'd have to take proficiency exams. Read a text, answer questions, repeat. I remember always getting flustered because I would be reading the first paragraph, and all the other students would already be flipping their packets over to the next page. I would panic thinking I was behind, and guess on the questions.
  • AR Book Levels

    AR Book Levels
    AR book levels were a great tool to have students reading books that were appropriate for their reading levels. I just remember feeling dumb for being at a lower level than my friends.
  • Great Expectations

    Great Expectations
    In 7th grade, I had a very unenthusiastic reading teacher who hated her job. This made me hesitant to participate in her class. She would have us come in every day and silently read the book Great Expectations and fill out a worksheet on what we had read. I can confidently say I did not read this book. It was intimidatingly long and hard for me to follow.
  • Where the Red Fern Grows

    Where the Red Fern Grows
    This was the first book I truly read to its entirety for a class, and I loved it. I was also so proud of myself for reading and comprehending the whole text.
  • Fahrenheit 451

    Fahrenheit 451
    This was another book I read to its entirety at school and really enjoyed. It showed me a world in which we weren't allowed books or reading, and it wasn't a world I wanted to be a part of.
  • Shakespeare

    Trying to read Shakespeare nearly gave me an aneurysm but I enjoyed reading the translated texts. The original texts were cool because they show how long literature has been around, and how important it is to keep it alive.
  • Library

    After I graduated, I discovered this beautiful public library by my house, and it made me love browsing for new books and discovering stories I would read. Not because anyone was forcing me, but because I wanted to.
  • EDU 215

    EDU 215
    Currently, I am taking a course on the diversity (or lack thereof) in children's literature. For this class, we are researching different book awards and reading various texts that have won or been an honoree of these awards. I have read so many amazing stories already on such different cultures and timelines. It has solidified my love for books.