The 20s
-Avoid illegal substances, and minimize alcohol consumption.
-Have medical check ups every 2 years or so, and get dental exams every 6 to 12 months.
-Avoid accidental injuries, such as motor vehicle accidents -
The 30s
-Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
-Vision and hearing checks every 1 or 2 years.
-Avoid back problems by maintaining good posture. -
The 40s
-Contact your health care provider if you notice any changes in physical, mental, or emotional health.
-Get blood pressure screening done every 2 years.
-Avoid execisive stress - try to relax. -
The 50s
-Accept that some changes occuring now may be out of your hands.
-Get a skin exam each year to check for signs of skin cancer.
-Watch for and avoid cancer. -
The 60s
-Quit smoking, if you do smoke.
-Make sure to get vaccinated annually
-Be careful of falling at home.