Rct timeline

By tjsmith
  • 300

    christmas day

    christmas day
  • 313

    Edict of milan

  • 337

    emperor constanite

  • 451

    conuil of chaicedon

  • 451

    divin/human nature

  • 476

    fall of rome

    fall of rome
  • Feb 16, 610

    origin of islam

    origin of islam
  • Feb 12, 687

    fall of jerusablem

  • Feb 12, 1054


  • Feb 12, 1291


  • Mar 9, 1309

    cument v move popay to france

  • Feb 12, 1417

    great schism

  • Oct 31, 1517

    protestant recormation

  • Feb 16, 1534

    church of england established

  • Feb 16, 1563

    council of trent

  • the enligthenment


  • world WAR 1

    world WAR 1
  • world war 2

    world war 2
  • vatican 2

  • pope john paul

  • St John Paul II

    St John Paul II
  • frist pope (St Peter)

    frist pope (St Peter)
  • pope beredict xv

    pope beredict xv
  • pope francis

    pope francis