Apr 6, 1483
Raphael is born
Raphael Sanzio was born on 1483 in Urbino, Italy. Born Raffaello Santi and is later to be known as just Raphael. -
May 16, 1491
Mother Dies
Mágia di Battista di Nicola Ciarla dies because of a fever. -
May 16, 1494
Father Dies
May 19, 1494
Raphael is orphaned after his father dies
May 16, 1495
Aprentice to Perugino
When he was young, Raphael went to study with Perugino and then stayed with him for the next ten years. -
May 22, 1495
Travels to Perugia
May 15, 1504
Raphael travels to Sienna
In 1504 Raphael moved to Siena with Pinturicchio, a painter whom he had supplied with designs and drawings for the frescoes in the Libreria Piccolomini in Siena. Later, they went to Florence, led by the more reasonable rule of gonfaloniere Pier Soderini after the excesses of Savonarola's years, and where two great masters, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, were at work. -
May 22, 1504
The marriage of the virgin is painted
May 16, 1505
Taught in Florence
May 16, 1507
Commissioned to paint
May 16, 1508
Called to Rome by Pope
May 22, 1511
Painted the Triumph of Galatea
May 5, 1514
Appointed chief architect at St. Peters Basilica
Apr 16, 1515
Appointed first Superintendent of Antiquities in Rome
May 22, 1516
finished 7 of 10 tapestries
Apr 6, 1520
Raphael dies.
Raphael passed away on April 6, 1520, on his 37th birthday.