Linus Torvalds

  • The announcment

    The announcment
    The Linux is publicly announced when he was 21 years old
  • Linux to Begin

    Linux  to Begin
    This was when the company started and licensed
  • Linux kernel

    Linux kernel
    "manages many of the fundamental details with which an operating system needs to deal, including memory, disk storage, and low-level networking"
  • version 1.0

    version 1.0
    The " XFree86" connects with the GUI
  • 1995 study

    1995 study
    "study of the performance of different Unix systems found that the failure rates of Linux and the GNU utilities were less than half those of comparable commercial systems.4 Users also contributed by developing new features and design enhancements. The functionality that Linux encompassed, therefore, began to increase significantly as features such as multi-user support and multi-tasking were added, features previously found only in more sophisticated operating systems."
  • Support

    IBM companies supported Linux like Compaq and oracle, also the Cathedral and the Bazaar made sure Linux to get more exposure by publishing a book.
  • Linux Kernel part 2

    Linux Kernel  part 2
    The kernel collected more than 1.5 million line codes and Torvalds has written a tiny portion of those codes.
  • Linux vs Microsoft

    Linux vs Microsoft
    Microsoft wast threatened by Linux progress in business, so made a team of 10 engineers and marketers because Linux was getting support from huge companies
  • Linux and other campanies

    Linux and other campanies
    "many companies adopted embedded Linux in their product lines.". like Samsung launched Yopy, a PDA with Linux inside, Ericsson launched HS210 Linux based cordless screen phone and Agenda computing that was presented a Linux based PDA at the linuxworld
  • Linux kernel 2.4

    Linux kernel 2.4
    They released Linux kernel version 2.4 that helped companies like sharp, Trolltech and Lisa systems and NeoMagic
  • Major advancement

    Major advancement
    More companies adopted Linux in their product designs like "RTLinux® added hard real-time capability to user space", "OSDL announced the Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) working group to promote and standardize the use of Linux in carrier grade systems. CGL released v1.x CGL requirements specifications in the same year." and Linux saw more of what they worked in the entertainment industry.
  • Cell phone and Soho markets

    Cell phone and Soho markets
    Motorola announced its A760 mobile phone handset that adopted Linux as its OS and Linux went to the pathway of gateways, routers, and wireless LANs.
  • Sony Corpartion

    Sony Corpartion
    They introduced Linux based devices for in-car navigation and systems in japan
  • Authority and trademark

    Authority and trademark
    Torvalds has written two percent of the Linux Kernel himself, this is one of the largest contributions to it.
  • Fedora and Linux

    Fedora and Linux
    Torvalds used Fedora distribution of Linux because of the support back up of PowerPC processor architecture.
  • Millennium Technology Prize

    Millennium Technology Prize
    Linus was rewarded a prize by foundation Technology Academy Finland.