Oct 14, 1533
Elizabeth is born
Queen Elizabeth was born at Greenwhich Palace. -
Oct 14, 1536
Mother's Death
Ann Boleyn is executed at Tower of London -
Oct 14, 1547
New King
King Herny VIII dies and Prince Edward becomes King Edward I -
Oct 14, 1558
A new Queen
Queen Mary I dies and Elizabeth becomes Queen Elizabeth I -
Oct 14, 1559
Coronation and Settlement
Queen ELizabeth I coronation and Religious Settlement. -
Oct 14, 1570
Elizabeth is excommunticate from Catholic Church by Pope. -
Oct 14, 1571
Ridolfi plot to assassinate Elizabeth -
Under Protection
Elizabeth takes the Netherlands under her protection, beginning war of Spain -
Defeat of SPanish Armada -
Second Defeat
Second defeat os Spanish Armada -
Golden Speech
Essex Rebellion and Elizabeth's Golden Speach -
End of the Line
Death of Queen Elizabeth I and accession of King James I