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Queen Elizabeth I

By nearloo
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Queen Elizabeth I was born

    Queen Elizabeth I was born
    Elizabeth was born at Greenwich palace, England and is the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn his second wife. Her father was known as the Tudor king of England. He had been greatly disappointed after her birth because he has been awaiting a son instead of another daughter. This event is important because it is the begins of one of the greats rulers of England life.(Felder,59)
  • Apr 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier's first voyage to North America

    Jacques Cartier's first voyage to North America
    French King Francis I authorized Cartier to travel to the new world in seek of gold and another trade route to Asia. He set sail with 61 men aboard two ships. He explored the western coast of Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. This event is important because it was the start of Cartier's three visits to the new world.
  • May 19, 1536

    Queen Elizabeth mother is beheaded

    Queen Elizabeth mother is beheaded
    Elizabeth's mother Anne Boleyn was arrested and taken to the tower of London after being accused of witchcraft, adultery and incest. After being found guilty on all accounts she was condemned to death. Boleyn was was beheaded on tower green while Elizabeth was only two and a half years old. This event is important because Elizabeth lost her place in the line for succession and was proclaimed a bastard in the kingdom.(Felder,59)
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Nicolaus Copernicus published "On the Revolution of heavenly Bodies" on his death bead that relayed his theory's that the sun is the center of the universe and idea of circular orbits, crystalline spheres, and epicycles but heliocentric universe. This event is important because it allowed Copernicus to share his lasts theory's with the world that people were skeptical to hear.
    (The Cop.,1)
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan IV

    in 1547 Ivan IV popularly known as Ivan the terrible is crowned the first Czar of Russia. During his rule Ivan had deep set paranoia he ended up killing his son and gouged out the eyes of the architects who built St. Basil's so that a cathedral of such beauty could never again be created.This event is important because he was the first of many Czars in Russia and he caused Russia to lose its far northern territories.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Henry VIII dies

    King Henry VIII dies
    Queen Elizabeth's Father dies at the age of 55. Because of his death Elizabeth will move up in the line for succession. This is important because she will become Queen faster(Felder,60).
  • Mar 18, 1554

    Elizabeth is recalled to court

    Elizabeth is recalled to court
    At the final stages of Mary's apparent pregnancy Elizabeth is recalled to court to attend. If Mary gave birth to a healthy child Elizabeth's chances of becoming queen wound be slimming. This is important because she was not pregnant causing Elizabeth a greater chance at her succession.(Felder,61)
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth Succeeds

    Queen Elizabeth Succeeds
    After Queen Mary dies Elizabeth is the next in line to succeed at the age of 25. Her coronation was on January 15,1559. This event is important because it is the start of here ruling as queen of England.(Felder,59)
  • Jan 1, 1559

    Elizabeth's acts of supremacy and uniformity is passed

    Elizabeth's acts of supremacy and uniformity is passed
    the Queens religious statement is implemented after the acts of Supremacy and Uniformity are passed. In 1559 neither the orthodox Catholics or protestants could accept settlements but they did for this one. Theses acts being passed are important because it still informs the church of England.
    (The Eliz., 1)
  • Jan 1, 1561

    Religious freedom for Huguenots

    Religious freedom for Huguenots
    The majority of France was Roman Catholic during 1561 and because Huguenots alternated between high favor and outrageous persecution. Inevitably, there were clashes between Roman Catholics and Huguenots and many Huguenots were murder. But after years of fighting the Huguenots were eventually granted religious freedom. This event is important because after all te fighting they were granted religious freedom and were able to practice their religion in France.
    (The Hug,1)
  • May 31, 1578

    Catacombs of Rome discovered

    Catacombs of Rome discovered
    Catacombs were used by poor christian that were forbidden to bury their dead in regular burial grounds. They were first accidentally found and not looked at until 1593 by Antonio Bosio. This event is important because it gave insight into a chapter of Christianity.
    (Accidental, 1)
  • Execution of Queen Mary

    Execution of Queen Mary
    Queen Mary was executed at Fotheringay Castle. In 1568 Elizabeth ordered her to be imprisoned after her complicity in a plot to murder her, At first Elizabeth welcomed her with open arms but after substitution and the Babington plot she had no choice but to accuse her of treason. This is important because after Elizabeth death Mary's so becomes king of England.
  • The Spanish armada sets sail

    The Spanish armada sets sail
    The Spanish Armada was a large fleet of ships that set sail in order to attacked England and conquer it. On August 8th, 1588 Elizabeth gave her famous speech to the troops of Tilbury. The encouraged a sense of English pride and nationalism. This event is important because it gave the troop more courage to fight and awoke England.
  • Galileo invents the thermoscope

    Galileo invents the thermoscope
    Most people claim that Galileo created the Thermometer but he actually created the thermoscope that indicates temperature differences and it doesn't measure the differences like the thermometer. This event is important because it lead the way for the thermometer to be invented.
  • The Golden Speech

    The Golden Speech
    The Golden Speech was delivered by Queen Elizabeth to about 141 members of the Commons. In the speech she announced it would be her last Parliament. She also addressed her love and respect she had for England. This event is important because it marks the end if her reign over England.(Felder,60)
  • Queen Elizabeth dies

    Queen Elizabeth dies
    Queen Elizabeth dies of blood poising. Her dying marks the end of the Tudor dynasty, she is succeeded by James I of England and James VI of Scotland. This event is important because it marks the end of Queen Elizabeth's Rule over England.(Felder,60)