Queen Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533


    Queen Elizabeth I was born in Greenwich, England. She was born to be the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The second child of King Henry VIII she would later become the third of his children to wear the crown.
  • May 19, 1536

    Elizabeth's mother is beheaded

    Elizabeth's mother is beheaded
    Anne Boleyn was never able to give Henry a son. When Elizabeth was 2 ½ years old her father had her mother, Anne Boleyn, investigated for treason and later beheaded. ​
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Henry VIII dies

    King Henry VIII dies
    Elizabeth's father dies, handing the thrown does to Elizabeth's brother, Edward VI. But, Edward was young and weak. His reign did not last, Mary Tudor would take the throne next.
  • Mar 18, 1554

    Elizabeth is imprisoned

    Elizabeth is imprisoned
    A rebellion began, to make the protestant Elizabeth Queen. Lead by a Thomas Wyatt, the rebellion was directly against Queen Mary. When Queen Mary found out, she instantly had Elizabeth imprisoned. But, Elizabeth denied everything. Thomas Wyatt was directly responsible. Elizabeth was eventually set free, and Thomas was eventually executed.
  • Oct 17, 1558

    Queen Mary I dies

    Queen Mary I dies
    Queen Mary I dies, after ruling for 5 years. This has now made Elizabeth Queen. The time of the " Elizabethan England" had now begun.
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Elizabeth I is crowned Queen

    Elizabeth I is crowned Queen
    Crowned at the age of 25, Elizabeth would rule her kingdom for 44 years. The time period of her reign is often referred to "England's Golden Age". It was a time when England greatly advanced.
  • Apr 27, 1570

    The Pope excommunicates Elizabeth

    The Pope excommunicates Elizabeth
    Queen Elizabeth was Protestant. And because of this In the eyes of Pope Pius V, Elizabeth was the "pretend queen of England". He made it forbidden to listen to or do anything for the queen and excommunicated her. But, Elizabeth stayed on top, proving herself and maintaining her popularity for how she ruled not how she worshiped.
  • Elizabeth has Mary Queen of Scots executed

    Elizabeth has Mary Queen of Scots executed
    Mary Stuart was one of Elizabeth's greatest threats. Mary believed Elizabeth did not deserve the crown because of her protestant faith, and took claim to the throne herself. After several assassination attempts, Elizabeth put her cousin in jail. Mary Stuart would be in prison and executed 20 years later.
  • Queen Elizabeth I defeats the Spanish Armada

    Queen Elizabeth I defeats the Spanish Armada
    On July 29 the Queen's navy defeated the "invincible" Spanish Armada. The English, using their long-range weapons destroyed the Spanish ships and chased them back wards.​ This extraordinary victory advanced England towards the top, and made them a "world-class power".​
  • Died

    After ruling for 44 years, Queen Elizabeth I died in Richmond, Surrey, England. She was the last monarch of the Tudor period.