Sep 7, 1553
The Queen is Born
Queen Elizabeth I was born in September in the year of 1553. She was born to the father, Henry VIII and the mother, Mary the Queen of Scotts. She was born in the Greenwich Palace. She was the only suriviving child of Henry III. (www.luminarium.org) -
Jan 1, 1555
French Colony founded the bay of Rio de Janeiro
King Francois told Giovanni da Verrazano to explore the coasts of North America. After exploring for years the French found the bay.This Bay was vacant. Giovanni da Verrazano and his men then settled their. The French then claimed the bay as theirs. (www.civilizatio.ca) -
Nov 17, 1558
Queen is put in Throne
She inherited the throne from her half-sister, Queen Mary I. Queen Mary I died while in delivery of her child. Elizabeth was only 25 when put in throne. An age like that to be put in throne in that century was normal, in fact people were much younger when put into throne. (www.wikki.answers.com)
(tudorhistory.org) -
Jan 15, 1559
Coronation of the Queen
The Queens ccromation was held in the beggining of the year 1559. She was age 25 when she was crowned Queen of England. This monarch started the longest living monarch until George II supased it. Her reign was held in England (Black 68). -
Jan 1, 1560
Madrid becomes the capital of Spain
From this date too today, Madrid has been the capital of Spain. The place of this capital was chosen because it is in the middle of a peninsula so you have easy access to water but no on the coast. Felipe II chose the capital Madrid. The capital took centuries to grow into what it is today (www.lonelyplaney.com) -
Dec 1, 1561
The Queen almost dies of smallpox
The queen was on the verge of death when she became ill with small pox. She was age 29 when she caught the illness. This illness spread throughout England when she caught it. (tudorhistory.org) -
Sep 8, 1565
Florida is founded by Spain
While exploring the bahamas, Juan Ponce de León came into contact with the state of Florida. Soon after Spain established a small colony along the St. Johns River near present-day Jacksonville. A year later all French were kicked out of Florida and Florida became Spains (www.historical-museum.org). -
Jan 1, 1569
Catholic Uprising in Northern England
The catholic church became very well known and important in 1569. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I church became very important to the Elizabethians. Many attended in there own home . Major schools like Oxford and Cambridge had many Catholics.(www.faculty.history.wisc.edu) -
Jan 1, 1572
Had love affair with Lord Robert Dudley
The only love affair the queen had was with Dudley. The queen had never married but devolped a relationship with this lord. Robert was a ember of her court. They talked a lot but were never involved with eachother physically. the affair lasted only a few months (www.faculty.tnstate.edu) -
Jan 1, 1578
China's population reaches 60 million
At this period in time China really started to grow. Many people started migrating and settling here. China is the number one producer in the country in the world. Because of that many people who needed jobs or when jobs were needed people went to China. Slowly the population started to increase (www.factsanddetails.com). -
Beggining of the Spanish Armada
Spain was known as the greatest power in the 16th century. Spain and England were on good terms until things went bad and Spain attacked. Santa Cruz planned the attack by ship for Spain. Elizabeth found out knew she had to plan quickly (www.elizabethian.org). -
Mary, Queen of Scotts executed
Mary ws executed by Elizabeth. Mary first came to the throne at only 6 days old beacuse of the death of her father. She was put on trial of attempting assassination of Elizabeth. Elizabeth then decided that Mary had to be executed (Black 69). -
Defeat of the Spanish Armada
At first Elizabeth was not concerned about the rumors that Spain was attacking. 100 ships came to England and began to attack. The english were prepared at all times for when they would attack. England fought off England until they won (www.elizabethian.org). -
First compound microscope is invented
Zacharias Jensen and his father Hans started looking at lens one day. They found a tube and put the lens inside. They looked through and realized they had a microscope. The magnification of the microscope was 9x when fully extended and 3x when closed. The microscope was composed of three lenses. This microscope was made with iron (www.history-of-the-microscope.php). -
War between Persia and Turkey begins
In 1602 a war broke out between Persia and Turkey. Persia Stayed neutral throughout the war. Turkey attacked Persia. Turkeys first grand plan collapsed. They then found a plan that worked and attacked Persia. Turkey ended winning the war and defeating Persia (www.turkeyswar.com). -
Death of the Queen
When Queen Elizabeth died she had no family to succeed her. James IV of Scotts inherited the throne uniting the two countries. Her life was known as The Golden Age. Her death was known as the end of the Tudor Dynasty. Her cause of death is not defined. (www.chiddingstone.kent.sch.uk)