Apr 30, 1559
Elizabeth I Guided A Religious Settlement
The religious settlement went through Parliament that stopped religious differences from taking England apart. This was guided by Elizabeth I and Cecil (Kagan PG. 357). -
Apr 30, 1559
Act of Supremacy
The Act of Supremacy that passed Parliament was repealing all the anti-Protestant legislation of Mary Tudor and asserting Elizabeth's right as "Supreme Governor" over both spiritual and temporal affairs (Kagan PG. 357). -
Apr 30, 1570
Elizabeth For Heresay
A favored military conquest of Protestant England, who was Pope Pius V, excommunicated Elizabeth for heresay (Kagan PG. 360). -
Apr 30, 1570
Elizabeth's Famous
Seamen Sir Francis Drake and John Hawkins began to prey regularly on spanish shipping in the Americas (Kagan PG. 360). -
Plot Against the Queen
Elizabeth's secretary, Sir Francis Walsingham, discovered a plot against Elizabeth involving the spanish ambassador (Kagan PG. 362) -
Treaty Signed
Elizabeth I signed the Treaty of Nonsuch that gave English soldiers and cavalry to the Netherlands (Kagan PG. 361-362). -
Another Plot
Walsingham uncovered another plot against Elizabeth called the Babington Plot (Kagan PG. 362) -
The Queen's Death
Queen Elizabeth I died leaving behind a strong nation poised to expand into a global empire (Kagan PG. 362)