Sep 7, 1533
The Queen was born.
Queen Elizabeth was born. -
Jan 28, 1547
Henry VIII, her father dies.
Jul 6, 1553
Mary I proclaims being Queen.
Nov 17, 1558
Elizabeth was crowned Queen of England.
Nov 17, 1558
After a bad role at being in the thrown, Mary eventually dies.
Apr 1, 1560
Siege of Leith, English troops besiege the French.
Sep 20, 1560
Queen Elizabeth pledges to help the French Huguenots.
Mar 1, 1562
The 39 articles are established.
She then moves her kingdom because of the Black Death.
She also almost dies because of the smallpox. -
Mar 1, 1568
Queen Elizabeth imprisions Mary.
Mar 1, 1569
The Nevilles of Durham and Percys of Northumberland plan to overthrow Queen Elizabeth.
They are later thrown into jail and executed. -
Queen Elizabeth declines the Dutch.
She takes the Netherlands under her protection.
The Babbington Plot.
Jul 1, 1586 - Treaty of Berwick
Feb. 8, 1587 - Execution of Mary Queen of Scots
England at war with Spain
Aug. 8, 1588 - The Spanish Armada of 132 ships is defeated by the English fleet -
Queen Elizabeth deprives Essex of his titles and ordered his arrest.
Queen Elizabeth I grants charter to East India Company.
Elizabethan Poor Law charges the parishes with providing for the needy.
Essex attempts rebellion.
25th February 1601 Robert Devereux (1566-1601), Earl of Essex is executed on Tower Green. -
Queen Elizabeth dies of blood poisioning.
James I of England, James VI of Scotland, (great-great-grandson of Henry VII) is proclaimed King.