Queen Elizabeth

  • Sep 7, 1533

    Birth of Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533. She was born at Greenwich Palace. Her father was a king himself and her mother was Anne Boleyn. Her father hoped for a boy ufortunately for him Elizabeth was a birl, but it was good for her because she later became known as the queen. The birth of Queen Elizabeth is an important part of her life and to the nation. Without her birth she would not be around to her ideas and greatness amoung others.
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth

  • May 19, 1536

    A new beggining for Queen Elizabeth

    Elizabeth's mother Anne was arrested and sent to prison with wa charge of many crimes. She was killed on May 19, 1536. Queen Elizabeth was always questioned by townspeople as if she were really King Henry's daughter. As Elizabeth grew older and accomplished many things Henry accepted the fact that Elizabeth was "his" daughter and other believed she was as well. This date is important for her because this is the time when her father adknoledged her existance and she beacuse known to the public.
  • Feb 13, 1542

    Sorrow for Queen Elizabeth

    On February 1542, Catherine Howard who was Elizabeth's fathers wife and her real moms cousin was executed by Elizabeth's father. Elizabeth was fond of Catherine because she was nice and respectful to her. This event was important to Elizabeth because it allowed her to see the cruel things her father would do to people for different things. Knowing her fathers true identity allows her to see her life in a different perspective.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of a Father

    Tragedies continue by Queen Elizabeth's father dying, Elizatbeth goes to live with Katherine Parr and her husband Thomas Seymour. Eventually she leaves because suspicion is held when there is a rumored affair between Elizabeth and Thomas. This is an important event becuase not only did her father die, but the suspicion of an affair shows that she is the same as everyone else and that she faces problems as well.
  • Jul 6, 1553

    A New Queen

    Mary I, Elizabeth's father and Catherine Aragon becomes Queen of England. This is important to Elizabeth because Mary I is her sister and based off of her relationship that she had with her father it would seem that she would have became Queen first.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    A success

    A tragedy has happened in Elizabeth's family, but great sorrow has broguht good upon Elizabeth. Elizabeth has done a great thing by re-establishing the Protestant Anglican Church. By Elizabeth re-establishing the church allows her to be known for something good and the community to know her as a good person. The re-establishment creates a path for Elizabeth to become Queen in the future.
  • Jan 13, 1559

    Queen Elizabeth is Established

    Elizabeth is crowned Queen of England. Once she crowned queen she the Prayer Book is created and used in her honor on June 24, 1559. Elizabeth being established as queen allows her to do great for the community and become well known.
  • Jul 18, 1562

    Near Death

    Queen Elizabeth almost dies of Smallpox. Medicine for diesases are not well established;therefore, this is a near death experience for Elizabeth. This is an important time in Elizabeth's life because it is a near death experience. A near death experience could possibly change an individuals life and the people around them. This allows people to rethink what is important to them and others around them.
  • Death Warrant

    Queen Elizabeth signed the death warrant for Mary the Queen of Scotts. She signed the warrant because Mary was threatning Elizabeth. The fued over land always lead them to have arguments and cause hatred between the two. Queen Elizabeth was never married;therefore, when she took charge of signing the death warrant it showed what she was capable of and stand up for herself.
  • Queen Elizabeth's Death

    Queen Elizabeth has unfortunatly died. This was am important event to society becuase they lost a leader. She was known to one of the greatest monarch to ruler England. Her death left sorrow for many people beacuse she was a great influence. Her death was the end to a great thing,