2200 BCE
6.1, China, Start of the Xia dynasty
The Xia dynasty started in 2200BC. Yu the great was said to have founded the dynasty. Writers back then told us of terrible floods so Yu dug out channels to drain the water, this work took him more than 10 years. Nobody has found proof that the stories of the Xia dynasty was real but, it stayed played an important role in China's history. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 500
Chapter 8: Ancient Greece
In this chapter you will learn about the Minoan civilization in Crete, the Trojan war between Greek and Trojans. The Greeks also built city states in the 750BC. The myths and Greek literature of the Gods and humans. -
Period: 1500 BCE to 200 BCE
Chapter 6 Ancient China
The Zhou dynasty came together in 1100s. They lasted longer than any other dynasty. The Qin dynasty succeeded by bringing all of China together and was lead by, Shi Huangdi of in 221. The Han dynasty lasted for 400 hundred years. When the Qin fell in 207BC Liu Bang fought for control and took over China. You the great was founded to start the Xia around 2200BC. Writers told us of terrible floods during Yu's rain. The Shang dynasty was founded in 1500s BC -
1100 BCE
6.2,China, The start of the Zhou dynasty
In 1100s B.C. the Zhou dynasty overthrew the Shang dynasty. They were the longest dynasty in China. The Zhou made a knew political system in which they granted land in return for loyalty, military support, and other services. -
Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE
Chapter 10 The Roman World
This section consists of Legends like Remus and Romulus. Who,were raised by a wolf to grow up and be Kings of Rome. Later on there was Hannibal who was considered to be one of the greatest generals. Than there was the government debating that slaves should be freed -
700 BCE
8.3,Greece, Homer creating Iliad and Odyssey.
Homer created one of the most famous poems called, Iliad and Odyssey. Both of them telling storeis about greek heroes. Iliad talks about the Trojan war, it focuses on deed of great heroes like Achilles. Odyssey talks about Odysseus and his ten year adventure. It describes the challenges he faced on his way home after the war ends. -
550 BCE
9.1,Greece, Cyrus the Great starts an Empire
Cyrus the Great revolted against the Medes and overthrew Egypt. He let his people keep their own culture. He hoped this wouldn't cause anymore rebellion -
Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE
Chapter 9: The Greek World
The Greek world started with Cyrus the Great creating the start for the Persian army. Later on Sparta and Athens had a war called the Peloponnesian that threatened to tear all of Greek apart. So on came Alexander the Great. Who ruled most of Southeast Asia -
509 BCE
10.2,Rome, The start of the early Republic
The romans creates a government called the Republic. This government consisted of annually elected officials. They could only stay in power for 1 year because of fear of them getting to
powerful. Most of the officials came from a wealthy and powerful group. -
500 BCE
8.2,Athens, Start of the Athens democracy
Cleisthenes came from a powerful family and later on became ruler of Athens. He didn't want the aristocats ruling because of their influence, so he called on some people was able to over throw them and create a new government called democracy. All citezens had the right to vote and they voted based on numbers -
500 BCE
9.4,Greece, The start of Philosophy.
Among the greatest philosopher their was Socrates. He taught by asking questions. He 5made people think and question their own belief. This made people angry and he was condemned to death. -
450 BCE
10.1,Rome,Roman Law being Produced.
There was a conflict between people not knowing what the laws were. Roman officials we’re responsible for laws, but they did not write it down. This caused a problem because Roman citizens were punished for breaking laws they did not even know. So the Roman government wrote these laws on bronze tables which were displayed in the Forum -
450 BCE
Ch.10 Modern Day Event, The twelve tables:11/30/2017
The twelve tables helped make our government stronger till this day. They keep justice for both people who did right or wrong. No one can be excucted without getting a trial. Or if somebody did not show up for his or her trial she will be fined. -
431 BCE
9.2,Peloponnesus, The start of the Peloponnesian War
The war was between Athens and Sparta who wanted to control all of the land. This was a fight between to city states. After Spartans cut of the Athens supply of food and water they completely surrendered, starving and surrounded. -
334 BCE
9.3,Macedonia, The Rule of Alexander the Great.
Alexander becomes king after his father, Philip II. Like his father he was a brilliant commander. He attacked the Persians who’s army was bigger than his, but they were well prepared and won multiple times. After that he conquered more and more. When he got to the Indus River, his troops were tired and refused to go any further. So they turned around. -
221 BCE
6.3,China,The start of the Qin dynasty.
In 221 BC the king, Ying Zheng, succeeded in unifying China. After that he gave himself a new title, Shi Huangdi, meaning first emperor. He believed in legalist political views. He demanded that everyone showed follow his strict laws. He ordered the burning of all scholars writing if they did not follow. Many scholars opposed to this so Shi Huangdi buried them all alive.460 scholars he buried alive because of the opposition. -
218 BCE
10.3,Rome, The legacy of Hannibal
Hannibal led his Carthage army to attack Rome. Even though he forced Rome to the brinks of defeat he could never get Rome itself. While he was doing that the Romans were attacking Carthage. The Roman won in a place called,Zama -
206 BCE
6.4,China. Start of the Han dynasty.
In 206 BC Liu Bang took control of China after several years of fighting. This dynasty lasted for more than 400 years. Liu Bang rule was different from the Qin Dynasty, he wanted to free people from the harsh legalism and set his people free. He lowered he taxes and inflicted a less harsh punishment. He also relied on his scholars to help him with his rule. -
200 BCE
8.1,Crete,The start of the Mycenaeans.
Many cultures setteled in the Greece. One of them being the Myceneans. They were the first to be considered Greek because they spoke the language. Myceneans didn't trade as much as other people did, instead they attacked other countries. -
135 BCE
Chapter 11, Modern Day Event, Christian, 11/30/2017
Christian religion was inspired back then in the beginning of the first century AD. This was rooted into Jewish believes and is practically still is now today. This was around the time Jesus came and he grew up to be The Messiah -
135 BCE
11.2, Rome, Battle. Between Rome and the Jews.
Romans were very polytheism and adopted gods from places they overtake. While the Jews were monotheism. The Jews were not able to do the stuff they used to do to worship the their god so they rebelled. In doing so a emperor Hadrian banned Jewsish rituals. The Jews rebelled more so the Roman destroyed Jerusalem and built a new city. -
44 BCE
11.1,Rome, The rein of Julius Ceaser
There was trouble in the government, where people did not like the ruler,Cicero. Generals tried to overtake and one of the most powerful was Julius Ceaser. He was a great general who bravery and skill was good in battle. He was respected well throughout the country. During his time Ceaser conquered most of Gaul. He was later killed by Senators who thought he had too much control. -
Period: 44 BCE to 1443
Chapter 11: Rome and Christianity
This started out with Julius Ceaser who took control in 58 BC. Then came two leader who ruled called Marc Antony and Augustus. Later came the Romans and the Jews fighting over their religion. After this was Diocletian who became emperor in the late 200s. -
6.5, China, Later on in the Han dynasty
The Han dynasty had many advantages in farming and manufacturing, because of this they were able to reach out to other cultures and people. The Chinese became experts at iron-working making iron swords and armor. This also had an effect on farming making also a iron plow and the wheelbarrow -
11.3,Rome,Start of the Euler Diocletian
He became emperor on the late 200s. He was convinced that it was too big to rule alone so he choose a co leader while he ruled the east Not after long Constantine became ruler -
Ch.9, Modern Day Event, Geomentry-11/22/2017
Euclid considered one of the worlds greatest mathematicians. He lived in Egypt. He wrote about a relationship between mathematics and other fields. He was so influential that the study of flat shapes and lines is called Eucliaden geometry -
Chapter 8:Modern day event-Democracy-11/15/2017
Because of Greece we use democracy for our government. A big chunk of countries like the United States have democracy. It helps shape our government and make us one country even though not all of us agree. -
Ch.6-Modern day-The Silk Road;10/30/2017
The silk road connects toady because it helped the finding of silk which we use toady as clothing,carpets and many more. This also brought Chinese cultures into the west and other Far away countries.