Turko- Egyption Rule over Suan and ICC declares Genocide
Turkish- Egyptian forces attack Sudan to gain more territory. Later, they gained control over sudan. The mass killing and migration that the Turko- Egyptions forced the Sudanese to do was massive. So the ICC identifies genocide in sudan. The Turko- Egyption rule over sudan had some profits. The Sudanese were influenced by egyption ways. -
British Colonization in Sudan
The Anglo-Egyptions (Britian and Egypt) attacked sudan in january and ruled sudan. It is the root cause of the conflict of north and south. From the begining, the north and south weren't seperated at all. Britian divided the country into two, and passed the southern policy, which later led to years of civil war. For more information click on this link. -
Britian's Southern Policy in Sudan
The british- egyption forces overthrew sudan and got complete control over it. Later, the dritish passed the Southern Policy. This is kind of the true cause of the war. It is the huge twist in sudanese history which caused chain reactions and caused a huge conflict between the north and south. For more information click on this link -
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First Civil War in Sudan
It was between the north part of sudan and the southern region of sudan. More than half a million people died in the 17 years of war. This war was a terrible loss for sudan, and was ended by Nimeiri. For more information click on this link -
Sudan Gains Independence from Britian
Britain and Egypt agree on independence for Sudan.' >link</a>Britian and Egypt agreed to leave sudan to give them independence and they helped them establish the Sudanese Republic. This was a great year for Sudanese people. Sadly, shortly after they gained their independence, the first civil war devastated Sudan. For more information click on this <a href='http://http://www.sahistory.org.za/ -
Anya Nya was Created
The Anya Nyas was a rebel group of the south that formed in the first civil war. They are the army of the south, fighting back the the northerns. They reformed in the second civil war they made another colonization named anya nya II. If it was not for this brave group of people, Southern Sudan would not have had independence. For more information click on this link -
Nimeiri Becomes President in Sudan
Gafaar Nimeiri came to power in 1969. Later in 1972 he signed an agreement to end the first civil war then later he was out from the government and went to exile in egypt. Later, he came back and attemped to rejoin the government in 2000, but failed. He did do many things to improve sudan like end the civil war, but also many bad things. For more information on him click on this [link](//http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaafar_Nimeiry). -
Oil First Discovered in Sudan
When oil was first found in Sudan, both the southern and northerns were happy that oil production might leader to more wealth. For example in dubai, when they found oil, it boosted their wealth. But it did not lead to a better life and more wealth. Instead, it lead to further conflict between the north and south. For more in formation click on this link, -
SPLM/A was Created
The SPLM/A (Sudan People's Liberation Movement/ Army) is the mobement/ army of southern Sudan. It was a rebellion of southern sudan, against the northern government. This event plays a huge role in the civil war. If not for this decision of the south, the north would still have control of the south. So this is a huge twist of the sudanese history. For more information click on this [link](//http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudan_People's_Liberation_Army) -
Omar Al-Bashir Becomes President in Sudan
He came to power in 1989 (before, he had been in the sudanese army) and he had been praised about ending the longest war in africa and he is trying to have peace with darfur. He also did worst things that Nimieri. The ICC declared genocide, and he is wanted because of his crimes agaisnt humanity. For more information click on this link -
Major Famine in Sudan
A famine, is a drought or extreme scarcity of food. In this 1998 sudanese famine, more than 70 thousand people have died of starvation and contaminated, dirty food. This was a huge loss for the south. The north did not try to help. The war was still going on, and this famine was a huge weakening the south. For more information, go to this link -
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The Second Sudanese Civil War
The second Sudanese civil war is a conflict between the northern government, and the southern rebels. This was a huge disaster which had the highest death toll of any war since WWII. It spread from the Numba mountains to the Blue Nile. This war resulted in thaosands of death in both sides, but ended with a better relationship with the peace negotiation. For more information click on this link. -
Darfur Conflict Starts
The conflict started when the darfurians attacked, accusing the government of marginalizing (which means not giving them importance, etc) Darfur's non-Arab population. The north reacted by arming janja weed militia's to kill the non-arabs (ethnic cleansing). Hundreds of thaosands Darfurians died and the ICC declared genocide and Omar al-Albashir's crimes agaisn't humanity. For more information click on this link.