Poor Law Act
In 1834 the Poor Law Act was passed by parliment, this meant that there was more assistance put into place for those who lived in some of the poorest communities. -
First Public Health Act
The Public Health Act 1848 was passed to promote the health of the population and to improve sanitary conditions in the towns of England and Wales. -
The Beveridge Report
Following the second world war, there was a formidable feeling that the British public should be rewarded for the losses and determinations that had occurred, so the Government assured improvements that would generate a more equivalent civilization. -
Founding of The National Health Service
The National Health Service (otherwise known as the NHS) came into existence on the 5th July 1948 at Trafford General Hospital (then known as Park Hospital) after the second world war, Clement Attlee’s Labour Government created the NHS, grounded around the suggestions of the Beveridge Report. -
The Acheson Report
The Acheson Report came fifty years after the introduction of the health service. It examined the variations in health which still occurred. Donald Acheson found a greater difference among the rich and the poor. -
Our Healthier Nation
In 1999 the Labour government issued a white paper on encouraging healthier living, decreasing inequalities and saving lives. -
Choosing Health: Making Healthier Choices Easier
A white paper that was to inform people as to how they could make healthier choices.