the poor law act
this act was set up to minimalize money that was spent on the poor, this act stopped the poor receiving money except in extreme circumstances. This act proclaimed that if someone had no or very little money that had to go to a work house where the individual would work for clothes and food to survive. -
firsts public health act
this act looked at the health of everyone and put corporations in change of drainage and water supplies n order to improve health in those areas. -
the beverage report
this act provided principles that would banish poverty. This act lead to the national health service at the end of the war and the establishment of social security. -
the natinal health service
this was set up to give everyone free health care, it aimed to end illness and improve health of everyone including the poor. -
the acheson report
the government set up a report om the inequality's of health that would influence the health of the future. -
our healthier nation
this was the action plan of the government, that aimed to improved health. -
white paper report (making healthier choices)
this was the governments was of helping people getting healthier the report stated that the government would help by giving the public information on being healthier.