Psychology Timeline

By Joneth8
  • John Locke

    Locke said that brain was a blank slate at birth and is formed as we experience life.
  • charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory says that humans that humans current psychological state comes for inheritable changes
  • Willheim Wundt

    Wundt was the founder of structuralism.
  • G. Stanley Hall

    Hall created the American Psychological Association and was the first president
  • Biological Perspective

    The biological perspective says that all behaviors, thoughts, and emotional come from a biological level.
  • Ivan Pavlov

    Ivan Pavolv discovered that there are some reflex hard wired in living things.
  • Sigmund Freed

    Sigmund freed was the founder of Pyschoanalysis and he believed that our childhoods shaped our future and personalities
  • Mary Whiton Calkins

    Calkins believed that the conscious self should be a bigger part of psychology
  • Edward Titchener

    Edward Titchener was known for further developing the study of structuralism which focuses on the elements coming together to make the whole.
  • John Watson

    Watson focused on the external actions and reactions of people to give him further insight on human actions.
  • Structuralism

    Structuralism was created by Edward Titchener and Wilhem Wundt in 1879.
  • Max Wertheimer

    Max Wertheimer was one of the founders of the Gestalt Psychology which allows people to be looked at as a whole when figuring their motivations and such.
  • Jena Piaget

    Piaget contributed his cognitive development theory which explains how children develop intellectually through childhood.
  • Behavioral Perspective

    The behavioral perspective says that all behaviors are based on outcomes of past interactions.
  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson created the stages of psychosocial development which says there are 8 stages that people go through in their lives.
  • B. F. Skinner

    Skinner said that on the most basic level human behavior worked on a reward and consequences basis.
  • Psychodynamic Perspective

    The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the development of self motivations and sense of self.
  • Gestalt

    Gestalt psychology says that we should look at the cognitive functions and behaviors as a whole as oppose to looking at it peice by piece.
  • Sociocultural Perspective

    The sociocultural perspective that examines how behaviors are affected by the social and cultural environment of the individual.
  • Humanistic Perspective

    The human perspectives focuses on aspects of the personality that make them uniquely human.
  • Cognitive Perspective

    The cognitive perspective deals with mental functions like memory, intelligence, perspective, problem solving, and learning.
  • Evolutionary Perspective

    Th evolutionary perspective that our personalities have changed to to traits that benefit us best like natural selection.
  • Carl Rogers

    Rogers that humans one true motive in life is to achieve self actualization.