Personal Timeline

  • Little brother is born.

    Little brother is born.
    Once my little brother was born it soon became obvious that I was going to have to take on a leadership role later on in life.
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    Upon getting my first phone I was introduced to the modern age and was able to develop my knowledge and perspective of the world at an increased rate.
  • Beginning of Sixth Grade

    Beginning of Sixth Grade
    Sixth grade was where most of my social and moral development took place. I was for the first time surrounded by a large number of people who all had some degree of effect on my development.
  • Freshman year of High School

    Freshman year of High School
    Freshman year was once again another year of focused development because the amount if students attending my old high school was much higher and in a tighter, more tightly knit environment. Here I shaped my perspective of the people around me and how to tell certain things about a person.
  • NYC (Nazarene Youth Congress) 2019

    NYC (Nazarene Youth Congress) 2019
    NYC is an event associated with my religion and it's a week of spiritual and moral development that is very focused and centered around individual growth. It also exposes you to new experiences and new people that change your perspective.
  • Freshman year of College

    After finishing high school college will be another major shift in my life and a great opportunity to grow. It will definitely be a time where I face some of my fears and accomplish more.
  • Marriage

    I don't know exactly when this will happen but I do know that this will bring out a new part of me and extend my thoughts and perspectives onto another person and they will do the same to me. Possibly once again altering how I view certain things or topics.
  • Birth of First Child/ Growth

    This is the period in my life where I will really learn about myself an how I operate. Mainly I will learn about my parenting style and how I deal with my child as they go through the four developmental stages.
  • Siblings of my first Child are born

    Having more than one child definitely takes a toll on your moral reasoning and logical analysis. You have to entertain multiple parties while staying relatively fair which can affect your parenting style and even change your perspective of children.
  • Children Leave for College

    Having to experience this for my first time will most likely be difficult and really put into perspective how much of myself I have imprinted onto my child and how they behave on their own based on how I raised and parented them.
  • What does your timeline tell you about yourself?

    My timeline tells me that I have had a good foundation set for me and that I know what to expect for the future. I have a good perspective on life set up and have a good moral compass.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two event along the timeline?

    Depending on the events it could have drastic effect on how I turned out today. For example, if I had been homeschooled I most likely wouldn't have had as much or any social development and my perspective would be tinted to how my parents view things.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My future seems to be very flexible. I haven't really planned out many aspects of it and anything could change at any given moment.