Before Birth
I am currently in my mothers womb, This is the Zyogote stage. -
New Born
On this day I was born, I began moving my hand and opened my eyes for the first time. -
First Words
I have spoken my first word after almost a year. -
First Steps
I finally learned how to walk independantly, I have fell many times but it finaly pays off. -
Play years : kindergarten
I'm finally old enough to start my eductation, I aquire new skills and ways of thinking. -
Next step: Middle school - High school
Finally all grown up and people start to see me as somewhat of an Adult. -
Deciding my future: Choosing Major
I reached a stage; where all of my actions will reflect on my future. I have to mature and think wisely so I can be successful. This period is stressful. -
Graduation: FInally made it
After all of my struggles, I made it. Now I can rest for a bit. But I still have a long way a head of me. -
Early Adulthood: Choosing a path
I'm in college; I met a girl which I think could be the "one" we are dating. -
After graudtion; I decided that I will propose to my girlfriend and start a new family for my new life. -
Late Adulthood
I begin to lose friends due to age, but make new ones as my kids have put me in a retirement community. -
I finally have reached the last stage; I have had a good life but now its all over. I have no regrets. I hope my grandchhildren can move on.