Psychology Personal Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on June 9th 2005 at Saint Luke South Hospital in Overland Park, Kansas.
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    In the summer of 2006, I had my first birthday. At this point, I was at the stage where I wasn't an adolescent, but I could do more than I previously could.
  • The Start of Elementary School

    The Start of Elementary School
    In 2010, I started elementary school, which was really the first time I had started formal education.
  • Beginning Middle School

    Beginning Middle School
    In 2016, I started middle school at Aubry Bend, which marked the big shift in education from elementary school.
  • High School Begins

    High School Begins
    In the fall of 2019, I started 9th grade at Blue Valley Southwest Highschool, which shifted my school life towards a more self-focused curriculum.
  • The Start of College

    The Start of College
    While the destination is uncertain, I know that I am going to go to college in the fall of 2023.
  • Law School

    Law School
    Based on my enjoyment in debate, I think that going to law school to become a lawyer would be a career I'd enjoy doing.
  • Settling Down

    Settling Down
    After finishing school, I do want to settle down and live a normal life. I don't necessarily mind where I settle down as long as it's in an active community. I think it would be fun to live in the city for a while, but a relaxing life sounds enjoyable.
  • Have a Family

    Have a Family
    I don't know when, but I want to eventually have a family during my life.
  • Retire

    While I obviously can't predict when this will happen, I hope to be able to retire around 60 at the latest.
  • Question 1

    This timeline does a good job representing my past as well as interests that could influence my future. For example, I want to go to law school because of my interest in debate and I want to settle down due to me wanting a calm and relaxing life. A lot of the general ideas of what I want my life to be like can be displayed through the inner meanings of the photos and events I included.
  • Question 2

    Most of my past events are periods of time I used to represent incremental periods of my life so if I didn't go through those I just wouldn't exist. On the other hand, if some things were changed in my future then the course of my life would be severely hindered. For example, if I didn't go to college, I wouldn't be able to get into law school or if I don't settle down, I'd be concerned about how well I could raise a family.
  • Question 3

    I don't think my future is very set, but I have general ideas of things I want to do. For example, I know that I want to have kids and settle down, but I don't know where or what my profession will be. During high school, I've enjoyed debate so I'm leaning towards law school, but things can change very quickly. There are many things that I think would make cool jobs and I'll just have to see where life will take me.