Psychology Behavior

  • Woke up at 6:30

    Woke up at 6:30
    Woke up at 6:30am because it takes me absolutely forever to get ready in the morning!
  • Ate my Breakfast while driving

    Ate my Breakfast while driving
    I at my breakfast while driving to school this morning because as usual I was running late! What else is new?
  • Arrived at school and checked my make up in the bathroom

    Arrived at school and checked my make up in the bathroom
    When I arrived at school I checked my make up because I like to look great always!
  • Worked on my essay on my laptop 3rd Period

    Worked on my essay on my laptop 3rd Period
    I worked on my essay during 3rd period because I am really behind and it's due Friday!
  • Went to the library

    I went to the library during fourth period because my laptop died. :(
  • Moved my car

    Moved my car
    I moved my car so it would be easier for me to leave after school.
  • Rushed out of school

    Rushed out of school
    I rushed out of the school building at the sound of the bell because I DREAD getting stuck in after school traffic!