Study of the elements of human culture and elements of human experience. -
Inheritable Traits
Process of passing traits from parents to offspring. Sir Francis Galton wanted to understand how these traits influenced character and behavior. -
Study of how animal and people adapt to the environment. -
Argued against structuralism and behaviorism and stated perception is more than the sum of its parts. ex. A chair is a chair and not wood and cusions. -
A pschyoanalyst was to be objective and listen to peoples' thought process. Dream analysis is an example. -
How organisms learn/modify their behavior as response to events in the environment. -
How we store, use and retrieve information and how it influences orur thinking, langauge, problem solving and creativity. -
Humanistic pyschology
Belief that each person has freedom in directing their own personal growth. -
Studies how physcial and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behavior. -
Study how our cultures effect our feelings, behavior and thoughts.