Funcionalism, represented by Edward Titchener, is a psychological philosophy that considers mental life and behavior in terms of adaptation to the person's environment. This date is unknown but it the functionalism was discovered around the 19th century. -
Structuralism is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology. Its porpouse is to analyze the adult mind. It was developed around the 19th century. -
First PET scan test
The first PET scan was tested in the year 1878. The name stands for Positron Emission Tomography. Which is a picture of the inside of the brain showed as a tomography. -
First Experimental Lab
Wilhem Wundt was a german psychologist that made the first experimental lab. Also he recognized the psychology a science apart from biology and phylosophy -
Stanley Hall's laboratory
Stanley Hall was the first man to stablish a laboratory in the United States of America. -
Selection of the soldiers in the US
To select the soldiers from the US army, they did mental tests and interviews in the year of 1890. -
APA stablishment
The APA was founded by G. Stanley Hall in the year 1892. -
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud is considered the father of phsychoanalysis. He lived since 1856 until 1939. -
First IQ Test
The first IQ tests were developed by Alfred Binet. -
Max Werthelmer founded Gestalt. Its the rebellion against the molecularism. The main assumptions are: What is real? What is life? What is the world? -
The Behavioral Manifesto
John B. Watson published The Behavioral Manifesto in the year of 1913. -
The magical number seven plus minus two
The Millers law was going to start functioning thanks to the publication of the text. It is about the working memory capacity and its short term memory. -
The Personality Test
Rorschach divised The Personality Test as the measure of the thought disorder. -
Hans Berger invention
Hans Berger created a way to record the electrical activity in the human brain, from the surface to the head. -
The Behaviour of Organisms
B. F. Skinner published a book called The Behaviour of Organisms which is a pshychology series. -
Ethical Standards Of Psychology
Nicholas Hobb published the book called Ethical standards of psychology. in the year of 1953. -
FDA aproved estratest
In the year 1964 the FDA aproves a drug that is called estratest. It is a hormone replacement drug, so it was used on woman a lot. -
Publication of The Selfish Gene
The publication of the book provoqued some debates upon a revolution. -
Standardised tests
The use of standardised tests was regarded as discriminatory because it was mandatory in the US, so if you didnt have it done you couldnt go on. -
FDA drug for depression
The FDA aproves three main drugs to treat depression wich are: Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. -
Acts of meaning - Jerome Brunner
Jerome Brunner published the Acts Of Meaning in the year of 1990. The effect of his work was to make psychology AGREGAR MAÑANAAAAA