proyecto linea del tiempo.

  • The day i was born

    The day i was born
    On June 20, 2006 I was born in Mexicali, Baja California, in a small family.
  • A big accident

    An event that marked me a lot is that when I was still a baby I had a big accident in which I split my head, fortunately no problem happened
  • When I enter kindergarten

    When I enter kindergarten
    When I entered kindergarten I felt very nervous and weird about being away from my family, but I didn't have any other problems anyway.
  • My time in elementary school

    My time in elementary school
    When I was in elementary school I was a pretty good student, I mean my grades were pretty high, and I had a lot of friends.
  • My first trip

    When I was 9 years old I traveled to Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, it was a pretty nice trip, because my mother won the trip in a raffle, and because of that I stayed in a 5-star hotel, it was one of the best experiences that I have lived until now.
  • When they changed my school

    when I was going to enter fifth grade I got the news that the school was going to close. this news made me very nervous
  • New school

    I entered a new school and it was quite strange, since I came from a school with much fewer classmates, and it was difficult to adapt to other classmates
  • My entrance to secondary school

    My entrance to  secondary school
    In 2018 secundary school, this was when it became more difficult to study, in addition to meeting new people, since where I went there was no one I knew, it was a bit difficult to get used to.
  • My second trip

    On my second trip I went to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. To visit a relative who had not seen him for 8 years
  • A virus

    In 2020 a global pandemic arrived, like everyone else, this affected me a lot because I couldn't see my friends or leave the house, in addition to having online classes, honestly 2020 was a pretty horrible year.
  • my high school entrance

    my high school entrance
    In 2021 I finally entered high school, and well the first semester was quite difficult because in addition to school I was working because at that time, my family was having economic problems
  • Present

    I am currently in my second semester in addition to already having classes in person, and at the moment everything is fine