Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • 1347

    Black Death

    The black death, which was one of the most devastating pandemics in history, it killed around 30-60% of Europe's population.
  • 1350

    Beginning of the Renaissance

    An intellectual and artistic movement, the Renaissance was a time of growth and expansion for the arts, as well as the sciences.
  • 1429

    Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans

    The turning point in the 100 years war between England and France was also, Joan of Arc's first military victory.
  • 1439

    Johann Gutenberg Invents the Printinf Press

    The invention of the printing press revolutionized the studies of the arts and sciences, as well as the manufacturing of books.
  • 1478

    Beginning of the Spanish Inquisition

    Designed to get rid of all non-Catholics it was one of the most deadly inquisitions of all time.
  • 1486

    Botticelli Paints Birth Of Venus

    One of the most famous pieces of art during the Renaissance, it was painted as a result of the Platonic Academy; the painting was controversial due to it's sexual nature pushing the boundaries back then.
  • 1492

    Columbus Discovers the Americans

    Columbus's discovery would lead to the creation of the American's 100 years later, which would lead to the western world as we know.
  • 1494

    Italian Wars

    A series of conflicts that arose due to dynastic disputes over the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples.
  • 1512

    Michelangelo Paints the Sistinne Chaple

    Forced by the Pope, 9 scenes from the old testaments were painted onto the walls and ceilings of the chapel by Michelangelo.
  • 1514

    Machiavelli Writes the Prince

    Considered to be one of the earliest works of modern philosophy, it was published after Machiavelli's death for fear of controversy.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther 95 Theses

    By posting his problems with the church on the church door, he became excommunicated from the Catholic church; he created the form of Christianity we know today as Protestant.
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    The most famous diet (imperial discussion) of worms was the one Martin Luther attended in 1521, where he was deemed a heretic and banned from the Holy Empire.
  • 1523

    67 Theses

    At the Zurich Disputation, Ulrich Zwingli presented his 67 Theses, which included many topics and because it was successful caused a widespread reform.
  • 1524

    The Peasant's Revolt

    Angered by the feudal system and rising prices, the German peasants decided to revolt peacefully at first but it soon turned deadly more than 40 German monasteries and castles were burned.
  • 1524

    Start of the European War of Religions

    The wars, fought between the Catholics and the Protestants, were caused by the Protestant Reformation in western and Northern Europe.