Protestant Reformation Timeline

  • 1095


    An indulgences was a piece of paper sold by Catholic churches to forgive one's sins to lower the time you would spend in purgatory before being able to go to heaven. This was an effect because it messed with people because if you bought one it held a spot for you in heaven. This was economic because only the rich could by them, with them being 25 gold florins.
  • 1184

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    The Inquisition was a group of institution within the Catholic church they were known for killing and torturing jews and muslims, their goal was to combat Heresy. Inquisition wanted to combat him because heretics were subversives and a threat to the whole social order. I think this is a cause because they were killing a lot of people.
  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The Printing Press was a machine that helped produce works of literature which was an easier way and more time friendly because it was able to get them out quickly. It was also accessible to anyone. This was political and social because people were able to start thinking for themselves and the political power began to change with people social ideology. I also think this is a cause because the printing press cause people to get their work done faster.
  • 1490


    Humanism is roman and greek reasoning to educate and question morality. It is social and political consequences as it was the reason the church's reign got brought down.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a German Priest, he wrote the 95 Theses. He didn't believe in selling indulgences and wanted to protest them. His beliefs also helped the birth of the Reformation. He was a cause because he made a lot of people question the churches. He was political because he was questing the churches, and that also made him social because now all the people were questing it. He was also economic because he didn't believe people could buy indulgences and anyone could, rich or poor.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    The 95 Theses was written by Martin Luther, it was his opinions on how you didn't have to buy indulgences to go to heaven, this is what caused the 95 Theses to be made. This was economic because it caused the churches to lose money, it was also social because it turned everyone's heads.
  • 1519

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    Leo X was the head of the christian church, temporal ruler of the Papal states, and was head of the Medici family that ruled the florentine republic. He was known for his habits, activities and his quote, ¨Since god had given us the papacy, let us enjoy it¨. I think this is political because of the power but when Holy Roman emperor Maximilian died he was more in the political area. I think this was a cause, which led to hom having this power.
  • 1521

    Diet of the Worm

    Diet of the Worm
    The Diet of The Worms is where someone only ate worms, breakfast, lunch and dinner and nothing else. Martin Luther was summoned to this diet by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. so he would give up his ideas, but Martin Luther did not give them up and burned them. I think this was an effect because they made him eat worms to tell them what they wanted. I think this is political because he was kinda tortured in a way.
  • 1533

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth I is a former queen of England and Ireland. Elizabeth helped England solve their problems with their enemies. She is an effect because she helped her country to get out of conflict with the other countries. I think she is political because England wasn't fighting with anyone because of her.
  • 1534

    Henry Vill

    Henry Vill
    Henry was a conservative Catholic and was critical of lutheranism and reform. He supported Catholicism and the pope. He got the throne after his father's death in 1509. He was known for having 6 wives, he sent two of them to their deaths at the executors block at the tower of London. This is political and an effect because eventually Henry ended up creating the protestant church of England and broke Roman Catholic faith this was a political dispute.
  • 1540


    Jesuit is a religious community of Clerics of pontifical right for catholic men. This was founded by the approval of the Pope Paul lll. Jesuit was known for education on theology, missionary work and publishing, they are also very strong in human rights and social justice. I think this is social because they helped people learn about things and be aware of human rights. I think this is a effect because they helped people learn.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    The Council of Trent was a formal Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestant Reformation. It was to define the Catholic doctrine and made decrees on self-reform, and that helped to revitalize the Roman Catholic Church in the face of Protestant expansion. I think this is a cause because it challenged the Protestant faith. This would be social and political because it was challenging peoples faith.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty between Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and the Schmalkaldic League, it also ended the conflict between Roman Catholics and Lutherans in Germany. This would be an effect because they ended the conflict between the two. I think this was social because they stopped fighting so this might have helped their people and political because they ended it.
  • 1564

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin was known for his influential institutes of the Christian Religion. He established theocracy in Geneva by 1540, Geneva became home to protant exiles from England, Scotland, and France, who later went home and spread it. Calvin was the most militant and uncompromising of the all protest sects. I think this is both cause and effect because after his new religion people started to follow him.
  • 1572

    St. Bartholomews Day Massacre

    St. Bartholomews Day Massacre
    It was a massacre ordered by the king to murder a group or Huguenot leaders around Paris, and France. The estimated deaths are around 2,000 - 7,000 according to the roman catholic apologist and Duc De Sully. This massacre marked a turning point in the French wars of the religion. This was a politically motivated act and I think this was an effect because of the Huguenot leaders death.