Jan 1, 1440
Printing Press Invented
~1440 CE Gutenberg invented the printing press, incorporating ideas and inventions from other cultures aroud the world to do so. This led to a rise in literacy and education in Europe as books were more readilly available. -
Nov 15, 1509
Erasmus writes "In Praise of Folly"
voiceDisiderus Erasmus, leader of the Christian Humanist movement, wrote the bookk "In Praise of Folly" in which he poked fun at church officials and the wealthy. Erasmus was one of the first people to openly challege the church following the invention of the printing press, and he started talking about a personal relatioship withGod and encouraged Christians to read the Bible. -
Nov 15, 1517
Martin Luther's 95 Theses
Martin Luther, a monk and professor in Wittenberg, Germany, nailed 95 questions to the church door in Wittenberg challenging hurch doctrine. This action is recognized as the official start of the Protestant Reformation. His actions led to Luther being excommunicated and declared a heretic and outlaw. He was kept safe in Saxony, and when he came out of hiding his ideas had spread around Germany. His followers were called Lutherans, and the Lutheran Church still exists to this day.