Protestant Reformation

  • 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The printing press allowed people to make and print their writing in an easier way. The political effect way it helped people spread word about almost everything in Europe, mostly about religion. The economic effect of the printing press was that it was easy to print and allowed everyone to print especially those who were not wealthy since it was cheap.
  • 1478

    The Inquisition

    The Inquisition
    It was a special agency that wanted to punish anyone who contradicted the orthodox religion. Protestants were punished and tortured to the point of death they called this the Spanish Inquisition. They had power politically and religiously over any heretics and Jews and Muslims. Many Jews and Muslims were killed during this time because they didn't want to convert to Christianity. The beginning of the inquisition had an affect because that's where the spanish inquisition got their ideas from.
  • 1490


    Humanism is the use of Roman and Greek reasoning to learn and question the ethics of life, using only the reliance of science. The social effect was how they took ideas from Humanism and put them into the bible or applied them to the catholic church.
  • 1516


    Indulgences were pieces of paper sold to the catholic community by the church to forgive them for their sins and would decrease their time in torment before they could go up to Heaven. This was a political cause and consequence because only wealthy people could afford them and the consequence was that Martin Luther didn't find it fair and wrote the 95 theses.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Politically, Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses to confront the church about the bibles scriptures and to stop selling the indulges. He was defying the power of the church with the 95 theses.
  • 1518

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther challenged the church with the 95 theses and he questioned the religion in europe. He started a new religion that helped people read the bible and spread God's word because he translated it to German since it was in latin and no one could understand it. He had a social effect because he brought people to his new church and he translated the Bible. He had a political effect because he challenged the church's power and ended up making a new religion.
  • 1519

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    John Calvin was a follower of Martin Luther, that being said he agreed with his ideology but also had his own ideas of religion in mind. Calvin believed that God chose who went to heaven and who didn't. He created his own religion and church they called themselves the Calvinists. John Calvin politically affected the reformation because he created a new community and only some were "worthy".
  • 1521

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    Pope Leo X was one of the popes in Rome during the renaissance. He resigned the reformation because of Martin Luther's ideology. Leo contributed to the excommunication of Martin. Many people didn't agree with the pope.Soon after Pope Leo X died and basically left a political consequence in effect. Martin was challenging the church at the time and once Leo died a political war began with the churches.
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Diet of Worms
    It was the assembly meeting in Worms, Germany that Martin had to respond to his beliefs about the church. He was proclaimed a heretic and his ideas were exiled from the Holy Roman Empire. This had political and social consequences because the Diet of Worms was to sort out the political causes directed to Martin Luther and socially, people felt it wasn't right that Martin was excommunicated hence why he made his own church.
  • 1527

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Henry VIII took over as the pope as the Head of Church in England. In 1509 he married his first wife which was his brother's former wife before he died Catherine of Aragon. They tried to have children and only had one girl but Henry wanted a boy to heir the throne. After he married his second wife Anne Boleyn in secret the church punished him and was excommunicated from the catholic church. This was a political consequence because he was excommunicated from the church.
  • 1530


    In the Counter Reformation the Jesuits wanted to Re-establish Catholicism in Europe. They had a big impact socially because they spread education around Europe and later on even opened up colleges.
  • Aug 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Almost all of the protestant reformation ended that day, the peace stated that any state princes could choose between Lutheranism and Catholicism. It ended political religious wars because now there was no dispute and whoever chose what religion was free to do so.
  • 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth I was Henry VIII's daughter and heired of the throne after her two half-siblings. She wanted to restore Protestantism and convert her country. Her excommunication to the catholic church happened in 1570. She wanted the political power after her half sister died.
  • 1563

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    It was the Roman Catholic response to the doctrinal challenges to the protestants. It was basically the political dispute between the church and the doctrinal.
  • 1572

    Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
    An attack in France by the Roman Catholics that targeted French Calvinist protestants. This led to social, economic, and political effects. Socially it affected and killed many peoples lives. Economically people lost their homes and had to rebuild their city over again. Politically it led to a series of events of the civil war.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    It was a law granted by Henry IV of France that said any protestant had religious liberty and it ended the War of Religion. It had both political and social affect because now the protestants were granted liberty and people were not fighting anymore. Politically it helped end the war of religion which was really big during the time.