Prophet Muhammad Time Line

  • Feb 17, 622

    The Migration From Makkah to Madina

    The Migration From Makkah to Madina
    MigrationIn 622, Muhammad and his few hundred followers left Mecca and traveled to Yathrib, the oasis town where his father was buried. The leaders there were suffering through a vicious civil war, and they had invited this man well known for his wisdom to act as their mediator.
  • Feb 23, 622

    Muhammad and the Muslims Emigrate to Medina

    Muhammad and the Muslims Emigrate to Medina
  • Apr 10, 624

    The Battle of Badr

    The Battle of Badr
    The Meccans did not take Muhammad's new success lightly. Early skirmishes led to three major battles in the next three years. Of these the Muslims won the first (the Battle of Badr, March, 624), lost the second (the Battle of Uhud, March, 625), and outlasted the third, (The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina, April, 627).
  • Mar 19, 625

    The Battle of Uhd

    The Battle of Uhud The Battle of Uhud took place near Medina and it was fought on 23 March, 625 between a force from the small Muslim community of Medina, and a force from Mecca. Abu Sufyan was the head of Quraysh and the first leader of the war. He succeeded in taking the masses of people to fight against the messenger of Allah (a.s.). He asked the merchants and the wealthy people of Quraysh to assist him with their monies in the war against the Prophet (a.s.), and they responded to him.
  • Jan 10, 630

    The Conquest of Mecca

    The Conquest of Mecca
    ConquestBy now, the balance of power had shifted radically away from once-powerful Mecca, toward Muhammad and the Muslims. In January, 630, they marched on Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way. They entered Mecca without bloodshed and the Meccans, seeing the tide had turned, joined them.
  • The Battle of Uhd 2

    The Prophet (a.s.) went on with seven hundred warriors until they stopped at the slope of the valley and made the mountain of Uhud behind them. He ordered fifty archers led by Abdullah bin Jubayr to remain on the top of the mountain and not to leave it in order to guard the backs of Muslims. This war was very important although there was no victory between both sides