Finish reading The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Anne Frank Research
Students will research more on Anne Frank using online databases, taking special note of the reasons behind why she was oppressed and how she was successful in hiding. -
Continue researching and begin taking notes on Anne Frank
Students will learn how to paraphrase their notes and cite their sources using EasyBib. -
Add Anne Frank notes to a collaborative Google doc
Students will continue researching while adding their paraphrased notes and souce citations to a collaborative Google doc through September 13. -
Explore and then select one example modern-day oppression to research
Research and take notes on chosen topic
This will last from this day through September 20. -
Compare/contrast Anne Frank's situation and their researched one to determine themes
Follow the 6 D's of the solution fluency model
Duringi this time, they will have access to research materials to help them arrive at a solution for the oppressed people they are studying. This will last through September 27. -
Use notes to put together their presentation script
This will last through October 3. -
Create a Web 2.0 multimedia presentation to support what they say
This will last through October 8. -
Rehearse presentations
Deliver presentations
This will last two days, October 10 and 11. -
Vote on the cause they want to get behind and act as a group.
This will last October 14 through 16.